a repost from my local board:
our seven year old laptop is biting the dust. We have a desktop computer that is our "main" computer that I use for editing, paying bills etc......this little laptop is mainly to check email, screw around on the internet (nest/ESPN) etc. (we never intended to have two computers, but the laptop was free, long story).
b/c this second computer does need all the much memory or power, we are thinking an iPad might serve as a better option. As it is basically designed just to check email and use various internet programs.
so if you have one, do you love it? what do you use it for? are you glad you got it? does it replace a computer at home or just supplement it?
Re: if you have an ipad...(RP)
My iPad replaced my laptop for almost everything I used to use it for. I use it to check my email, play games, look up information, and surf the web.
I still use my laptop to download TV shows (from non-iTunes sources), convert said shows to iTunes format, edit photographs, and manage financial/banking details.
As much as I love my iPad, I do have a few words of caution so you don't get any nasty surprises: First, the on-screen keyboard is okay, but if you're writing long emails, I'd suggest getting a bluetooth keyboard to use with it, because it will probably be more comfortable. Second, the Nest forums suck on the iPad. You have to turn off JavaScript to even be able to post (and remember to turn it back on again when you're done), and even then you 'll have to manually enter line breaks (using the HTML <br> tag), which is a nuisance to type on the iPad screen keyboard.
(Hey, Nest Gods! WHEN are you going to make this place iOS compatible?!?!?! )
I got an ipad for general entertainment purposes, because it's more portable than a laptop, and for it's function as an ereader (see seriously considering an ipad post below). DH is a serious gamer and mostly hogs the desktop when it comes to the entertainment usage. I don't pretend it's more than a toy for me and I will go back to the desktop for the serious stuff like spreadsheets/ documents, taxes, and printing (ipads only work with a particular model of HP printer at the moment).
If you're perfectly content with the size of a laptop now, I'm not sure an ipad is worth the premium cost. But personally, yes, I love it and am very glad I got it.