Alabama Nesties
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I'm going crazy! Let's have a poll!
Anyone here??
I talked to the husband. He's good. Immigration only took 20 mins. He got to the hotel alright and his wake up call and shuttle organized for tomorrow. I can't wait! Oh and I got an email telling me that my permanent residency in Australia has been granted! woo hoo!
So, to pass the time..
1. What is your dream vacation?
2. What's your favorite TV show?
3. What was the last thing you spent money on?
4. What did you eat for dinner?
Ok, people. Entertain me! I'm dying here.
Re: I'm going crazy! Let's have a poll!
1. What is your dream vacation? Greece....omg.
2. What's your favorite TV show? I don't really have one...I prefer music to TV.
3. What was the last thing you spent money on? hmmm, lunch at Roma's yesterday.
4. What did you eat for dinner? A black bean and corn was yum!
1. What is your dream vacation? A cruise in the Mediterranean. I have been on two Caribbean cruises, but that kind would be really cool
2. What's your favorite TV show? Brothers And Sisters, hands down. Grey's is fun but silly a lot. I like that Brothers And Sisters is more realistic with its drama. Also, Mad's an excellent show that not enough people know about, and it just won the Emmy for Best Drama. It comes on AMC.
3. What was the last thing you spent money on? groceries
4. What did you eat for dinner? chicken noodle soup with a bottle of water...I am fighting a sore throat today and hoping I am not catching anything! Midterms are next week!
1. What is your dream vacation? Greece has been one since I was a kid, Ireland, Hawaii
2. What's your favorite TV show? Don't really have one
3. What was the last thing you spent money on? two pairs of shoes
4. What did you eat for dinner? a rotisserie chicken I bought at Winn Dixie...we just ate chicken, nuthing else...but it was good...I know, Betty Crocker is pissed.
Ok, people. Entertain me! I'm dying here.
1. What is your dream vacation? Either touring all over Italy and Greece, or going to Australia to dive the Great Barrier Reef.
2. What's your favorite TV show? 24. Is it ever coming back on???
3. What was the last thing you spent money on? I bought lunch last week...
4. What did you eat for dinner? Nothing!!! I had a big lunch to tide me over because I knew I'd be at school late (I'm still here!
1. What is your dream vacation? A Mediterranean cruise...especially if it goes to Italy...want to see lots of Italy!
2. What's your favorite TV show? One Tree Hill and That 70's Show
3. What was the last thing you spent money on? I bought a new pair of pants and a new top today
4. What did you eat for dinner? cheese stuffed ravioli, ceasar salad, and crusty bread
1. What is your dream vacation? touring Europe
2. What's your favorite TV show? lots--office, greys, prison break, project runway
3. What was the last thing you spent money on? xmas gifts from vera bradley's awesome online sale
4. What did you eat for dinner? chicken and rice
1. What is your dream vacation? Hawaii, Italy, Bahamas
2. What's your favorite TV show? Grey's Anatomy, One Tree Hill, Army Wives, Big Bang Theory, How I Met Your Mother, King of Queens
3. What was the last thing you spent money on? That should say when was the last time I HAD money to spend. HAHA! The last thing I spent it on was gas....
4. What did you eat for dinner? Lasagna, salad, and a breadstick
2. What's your favorite TV show??Grey's Anatomy and Desperate Housewives, and the original 90210
3. What was the last thing you spent money on??Cat food and eggs
4. What did you eat for dinner??Campbell's Chunky Chicken and Dumplings soup
Yes! 24 rocks. A new 2 hour special will be on FOX next month. The real season will begin in January. The stupid writer's strike messed it up during the filming, but it'll finally be back!
How wonderful is that! Congrats I know you are excited!!!
1. What is your dream vacation? Europe, Greece, that part of the world!
2. What's your favorite TV show? Gray's
3. What was the last thing you spent money on? A few groceries for supper last night.
4. What did you eat for dinner? We had lemon broc. chicken!
1. What is your dream vacation? European Tour, Morocco, Bora Bora
2. What's your favorite TV show? How I Met Your Mother, Ugly Betty
3. What was the last thing you spent money on? Last night's dinner
4. What did you eat for dinner? O'Charley's Southern Fried Chicken Salad
1. What is your dream vacation? I want to go to Switzerland again..I also want to go to some US locations including New York and LA.
2. What's your favorite TV show? Dirty Sexy Money---it comes on tonight!
3. What was the last thing you spent money on? Water Bill
4. What did you eat for dinner? Spagetti, Salad and Witches Brew at Junior League meeting
1. What is your dream vacation? Tahiti, and stay in an over water bungalow
2. What's your favorite TV show? Oh where do I start? Desperate Housewives, Brothers and Sisters, How I Met Your Mother, Prison Break, Private Practice, Dirty Sexy Money, The Office, Grey?s (it's kind of sad that I listed them in order that they come on TV)
3. What was the last thing you spent money on? Strawberries from Kroger
4. What did you eat for dinner? We ate at Jim Bob's, we had a gift card from the wedding that we hadn't used yet