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which carseat (brand) do you use or recommend?! alex and i are buying the car seat this week and we plan to get the britax infant chaperone seat. i want to see what car seat has or has not worked for others before we buy.

Re: Car Seat
We have the chicco keyfit 30 but with a snap n go instead of a travel system. It is working well for us so far but my little guy is already 17 pounds so DH lifts him in and out of the car in his seat but I don't any longer, he's too heavy now. The chicco was really easy to install and although LO seems to get warm in it (which this may just be an AZ and carseat issue in general) he seems pretty comfy in it.. We are going to buy a britax in a few months when we buy the convertible seat though.
thx! due 12/16
We have this one:
Very happy so far! I chose it because it had the biggest weight range for an infant car seat.
Can't wait to meet my baby boy!
We have a Graco Snugride 35. It's a little bulky and heavy but I like that it has a high weight limit. My daughter was 20lbs at 6 months and I'm glad we won't have to buy another seat for a while.
ETA: We take her out of the carseat and leave it in the car when we're out since it's pretty heavy.
i never understood why people think they have to take it out of the car and lug it
for the infant seat we have a graco snugride 35 as well. i liked it just fine for dominic and it's what we'll be using for the new baby too. for convertible seats, dominic has a recaro and there is another recaro waiting for riley once we move her to the convertible seat
is that the one that was in your car when you p/u-ed the boxes?!!? it looked pretty cool..hehe
For infant seats I recc a graco snug ride 32 or the chicco. Bost are the best on the market in their catergory.
Covertable: Britax marathon!
DD #1 {04-19-2004}
Secondary IF: Severe MFI (low testosterone, low count, low morph, & very low motility) & Annovulation
After 22 months IUI # 3 Clomid + Follistim = BFP
DD #2 {12-31-2009}
2 more years of failed IF treatments and a failed adoption TTC #3
TTC Journey Over~ Not By Choice
We just got ours and we went with the Chicco Keyfit 30
It has great reviews and I loved that the travel system was designed with tall people in mind. (adjustable handles) plus all movable parts were color coded orange so I feel its even idiot proof. I just can't mess up (seriously I was a hot mess playing with all the seats in the store)
For the convertable seat we liked the Britax but thats obviously down the road
I can't offer any help in this department, just wanted to say CONGRATS! You are due 5 days before my bday, December babies ROCK!
We had the Chicco Keyfit. LOVE it. My little girl is teeny tiny, and we kept her rear facing in her infant seat until just a couple of months ago (she just turned two) because she had not reached the height or weight requirements until just recently. That is highly not normal (and it has nothing to do with her car seat - just explaining that we used it for a long time so got a lot of use out of it - lol) but seriously, we loved her car seat. Super easy to install the base (and switch it to another car), and the actual car seat comes out of the base so easy.
We will definitely be using it on our second child.
yep, it's a nice seat. we're very into cars and recaro makes racing naturally we opted for recaro carseats
me too! Even when Lucy was little I almost always wore her because it was easier for me and my back.
We have a graco snugride infant car seat and now we have an Evenflo Triumph 65 for her convertible carseat which RF until 40 lbs
Also for when it is hot we use our COLD SEAT cover and it is awesome! (the link is to Baby half off they still have the blue camo one which is the same one we have, it is $25 and they are local in mesa so you can pick it up and not pay shipping) the think is a lifesaver