Firstly, I'm pretty sure I butchered your names. Sorry bout that. Secondly, I'm Scarlett, Hi!!
Athletea, I also moved from the Burgh. One of our other Nesties used to live there too. This means we MUST get together and talk Iron City and the Stillers, lol. Also, I would seriously kill for some Mad Mex or LuLu's Noodles, so I would like to ask you to bring me some. I will reward you with the only buffalo chicken dip to be found in these parts.
And K, you just sound cool, so we should GTG solely on the merits of that. I think a few of the other Nesties are busy in the weekends to come, but if you guys want to GTG sometime soon, let me know and I'll see who else we can invite. We will drag them if we have to
I met my first awesome girlfriends in PDX on this board, as did Daisy and SD. Its a tradition!!
Re: ****Ktothe0 and AthleteaP****
Buffalo Dip!
Wait...what? Sorry, easily distracted
LOL!!! We can just sit down and compare Superbowl rings then...
At least you guys have Lebron!
Wait...too soon??
MrsJ, are you going to let Jen clown you like tht?? lol!
You did butcher my name! :-)
Um, I love mad Mex. I worked at the one on McKnight back in the day & a few of my closest friends are managers for the company now.
I'm So excited. only 5 weeks till we arrive in Portland. And I can't tell you my joy in knowing that there are other Stillers fans!!! Steeler Nation Unite!
My master plan worked! Muahahahaha...
And, hi! I would love to GTG... I'm seriously nervous about making friends there since I'll be working from home. (Not because I'm weird, though... b/c as you very astutely noticed, I'm totally awesome. Hah.) We don't move there till July, but as soon as we are settled, I'll let you know!
As far as the Steelers go, I could take them or leave them... but crack dip is one of my specialties, both making it and stuffing my face with it.
Anyway, I look forward to trying to keep the tradition alive! Thanks for the welcome!
Now see, as far as crack dip goes I could totally leave it. I can't stand Buffalo sauce. The Steelers, however, are a huge part of my life.
I'm sure we'll work something out. :-)
Can't wait to meet yinz guys!