We're having a belated Cinco de Mayo party this weekend. It starts at 7:00 (due to scheduling conflicts on our end). We have this party every year and normally serve:
chips, homemade salsa, guac
Steak and Chicken fajitas (with all the toppings)
Mexican Rice
Taco Salad
With the party starting so late this year, I was thinking of just serving appetizers and desserts. Does this work or should I stick with dinner foods? We'll still serve margaritas (alcoholic and virgin) and beer. Here's what I'm thinking of in terms of appetizers:
chips, homemade salsa, guac
Empenadas (Can make ahead)
Taquitos - still need to find recipe that doesn't involve frying if possible!
Mexican brownies
Spiced pumpkin seeds (authentic mexican dish, but I forget the exact name).
What do you think? What am I missing?
Re: Party at 7:00 - what to serve?
I would stick with dinner foods.
I would be willing to wait till I arrived at your party to eat as long as I knew ahead you were making a big spread.
I don't think thats too late for dinner.
Your menu sounds great!
Maybe another veggie like mexican grilled corn? here is another recipe.
Here is a great baked taquito recipe.
Oh and make some churros too ;-)
If the menu is tradition, I would keep it too. People can wait, and who goes to dinner before 7:00 on a weekend anyway?
I second the suggestions to add Mexican corn and churros. Both are excellent. You can cut the ears of corn in half or even thirds so people don't have to take a whole one.
If you do go with appetizers, you definitely need more of a selection. The corn would work here too, and I would probably do something along the lines of a queso fundido. And maybe little ceviche cups? You can make them in those Tostitos scoop chips for ease, or you can cut out circles out of tortillas, press them into a mini muffin pan, and bake.
Quincy and Dexter, new BFFs
I used to be kris216.
I'd keep the menu. Definitely not too late for dinner and if it's a traditional menu people will probably be expecting what they have come to expect every year.
Try this creamy cilantro-jalapeno dip. Spicy but very good and would go great with your menu.
IMO, 7pm=dinner.
Sounds like fun!
Too late? Are you kidding? On a normal day we'll eat between 7 and 8 pm. If I were invited I would 100% expect a meal, especially if I knew a full menu was part of a tradition.
Unless you want everyone to run to Taco Bell, keep the dinner menu.
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