I read about this over on the 9 to 5 board. You have to take an assessment test, but basically you're a contractor for this company. You sit around online and you get questions sent to you from the service users. You use a search function to find the answer and write back. You're paid per answer. I'm starting it to make a bit of extra money on the side. Since I'm around on the internet a lot at nights (and sometimes days) I may as well get paid for it.
I was just approved to be a generalist guide (i answer the questions) and there are a couple other positions as well.?I think I can be a referral for people if you want to sign up. Just let me know and I can give you my e-mail addy.?
Anyways, just thought I'd let anyone know who may be looking to make a bit of extra cash.
Re: Anybody on ChaCha? Earn extra money.
You've got mail.
?Let me know if you decide to do it!?
I want to know more. email me bamagirlerin01@aol.com
Hey guys..I've emailed all of you just a little bit about ChaCha. Have a look at the website and see if any of the positions sound interesting to you.?
You can email me any questions you may have. Good luck!?