Phoenix Nesties
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In case you're not a fan of blossom birthing center on FB- they are offering a baby wearing class with various examples of wraps and carriers to "play with" on Saturday June 4th at 2:00pm! The class is free but says if you feel you'd like to tip at the end you're welcome!
I think DH, DD, & I will be there! The class is open to moms,dads, kids, friends, etc. Anyone who may be wearing your baby.
Re: Baby Wearing Class!
sounds fun, I don't know if I'll be able to make it, but I'd love to check out there place.
I wish the birth center had been around when I was pregnant the first time. I probably would have done that.
this is still something i've been contemplating. we will probably be going in for a tour soon.
I thought you had to have a baby first to try out the gear properly. Is this not so?
definitely not so! At least as far as I know I've never heard that they would turn away a first time mom (or any MW for that matter, unless you have any underlying issues)
wooot! You should definitely go in for a tour. I've heard good things about Mary the Midwife
Another friend of mine was looking into it but they ended up going the hospital route (because of money)
If you have questions that maybe I could answer because of my HB I'd be more than happy to!
this makes me happy! I hope that you get the chance to do this.
Now that I've had a HB I think that we will plan on doing it again but like I said, if this was available the first time around I probably would have done this.
The nice thing is insurance would have covered it last time if there had been one.
yeah the only downside is that my insurance covers in network 100% with a $100 deductible. so with a regular hospital birth it will basically cost me nothing to have this baby.
we do have good out of network coverage, 80%, so i'm waiting to hear back from blossom on my total cost if i were to transfer there now.
also, if i end up having kidney issues again, it's likely that they'll want me to deliver in a hospital i'm worried that if i do switch over and do all of that it will be for nothing. even if they let me give birth there with my kidney stuff, i wouldn't be able to have a water birth like i want anyway so then i feel it's pointless to switch and pay the extra money, know what i mean? just a bunch of what if's that i can't answer.
what kidney stuff did you have before? Is it preventable in anyway (dumb question I know), why wouldn't you be able to have a water birth because of it?
nope, not really preventable. just lots of water which i drink. i developed two 9mm stones while i was pregnant with dominic which were too large to pass, so they got stuck and almost caused right kidney failure. i had to have a tube inserted into my back to drain my kidney and had to keep it there until about 2 months after i delivered dominic and i was able to have the surgery to break them up. i wasn't able to submerge it in water, or get it wet in any way, so dh had to saran wrap me to take a shower and i had to make sure it was kept dry, etc.
i know i already have at least one stone floating around, so it's just a waiting game
WOW! Praying that this doesn't happen again Shan!!