I've never posted over here before, but D&R suggested to.
Everyone I know raves about iPhoto, but we just can't seem to be
friends. I've had my Mac for about 9 months and now that I'm on summer
break, I'm going to attempt to transfer over all my photos. They've
been living in a folder on my desktop this whole time and they may
continue there...
Three questions:
1) Can you use
photobucket with it? I can't "see" the photos to select them from a
directory to upload them. How are you girls supposed to see my pics if I
can only share them with FB and Twitter? Lame.
2) How do you
organize your photos? Right now, all my D&R insp photos are in
nested folders. A folder called House, then Living Rooms, Baths, etc
under it. Sometimes there are folders under that for things like Tile
Designs, etc. When I imported everything, it just dumped everything out
willy nilly. Because those photos are collected off the internet and
taken who knows when, chronologically is the worst way possible to
organize them, but it seems that's all iPhoto knows to do. And there
seems no way to nest them back into their logical hierarchy.
3) WTH is up with the date feature? It's assigning dates to photos which are just completely wrong. (I did not get married in June 2002, dear iPhoto.) Assuming the camera that took the pics had the wrong date programmed, even after I override, which yes, I found how to do, it shows a range of the original incorrect date to the date I've put in (like 06/20/02 - 11/11/06) and still sorts by the original date. Just one of those ticky things that annoys the heck out of me.
Re: XP: iPhoto help?
I'm going to be that annoying person to suggest not using iPhoto. I have yet to find a reason it's so great.
I use Picasa (free from Google). Very similar interface as iPhoto, but there are more plugins that allow you to sync your photos with different websites. I use Picasa to upload to Picasa web albums (associated with my google account) and to facebook. It looks like there is an extension to have it upload to Flickr, but I didn't find one for Photobucket quickly. But, Flickr would let you share photos publicly without too much identifying info. Or, set up a google account with a generic name and use Picasa web albums.
I have all of my photos set up in hierarchical folders just like you do, in the Pictures folder. Picasa can keep them organized that way if that's how you want to view them. Open Picasa, go to the View menu, then Folder View, change to Tree View and Sort By Name. Picasa scans the folder for new photos every time it opens. You can choose what folders to scan, so you can leave them on the desktop if you want.
The other benefit to Picasa is that when you edit a file, and save it, it saves the changes to the place on the hard drive that the photo came from. A backup is stored elsewhere on the drive. iPhoto does the opposite, so if you tried to email or upload outside of iphoto, it is the original version. If you edit in Picasa, you could then directly upload to Photobucket.
Thank GOD I'm not the only one who doesn't like iPhoto. I've been trying to figure it out since I got my Macbook in October of last year. I thought I was just an idiot!