Dh has a brother that is seven.
He is out of school for the summer, and his camp does not start until Monday, so MIL asked if we would watch him while she is at work. Tue, Wed, and Thur. I do not mind at all that he is hanging around at the house, since she is helping us with rent until DH finds a job.
But man is he driving me nuts! MIL babies him to the extreme. He does not sleep in his own bed, never has. He cannot brush his teeth, take a shower, or wash his hands without help. The worst is that he is a whiner. In my family, whining was NOT acceptable. Unheard of.
He has been playing with his GI Joes all morning, and watching episodes of Star Trek. DH was playing GI Joes with him for a while, but as soon as something went astray from his "plan" he flips out, throws little guys across the room, and pouts. DH refused to play anymore, after getting smacked in the face with a GI Joe. So, we made him pack up the guys and told him he had to have "quiet time" and read a book.
Another melt down.
It is going to be a long three days. (We have him sleeping over until wed Thursday afternoon).
Thanks for letting me vent!
(Any suggestions greatly appreciated.)
Re: Little vent.
oh yikes.
So where is he sleeping? with you guys?!
I'm sorry you are dealing with that, handle it as best you can but personally I would stand my ground and not deeal with that kind of behavior even if it was meltdown city.
Good luck and don't get too stressed!
HELL NO! Haha. DH hogs the bed enough, and that would be all kinds of awkward. Between Dh, my four pillows, and myself, there is NO room left. I thrash around when I sleep too, so it wouldn't be a good situation. I gave DH a black eye on our wedding night with a flailing arm. Whoops.
Last night he slept in the "nursery". I tried to convince MIL to just let us watch him at her house, so he could sleep where he is comfortable, but she disagreed. So the poor kid slept on an air mattress, in an empty room. What made it worse is that the previous tenants (we moved in last month) painted crazy stripes all over the wall. I would be freaked if I had to sleep in that room. We have not had time to paint yet. Shockingly, after crying for about ten minutes, he fell asleep and slept the WHOLE NIGHT in that room alone. I was seriously shocked.
The rest of the day ended up going somewhat okay. He did get really pissy with me, and back-talked like crazy when I turned off the movie and made him help me set the table. He is not required to help out around the house, and that doesn't fly with me! He was not too happy about not being able to leave the table until his plate was cleared off either. DH just put him to bed. Crossing my fingers he sleeps.
Two more days.
well good luck and FWIW I think you are doing a great job.
Thanks! I appreciate it.
I have been a babysitter/nanny for about eight years, but never had to deal with older kids this long of a time. Only my niece for a week, when she was two.
At least I am learning things that I can use on my step-daughter when she comes to visit, and for this baby!