Go me! Just wanted to share. It is something I have been wanting to do and talking about for a while, so I went to Home Depot the other day and just went crazy! DH and I will be buying land to build our next home in a year or so, so I am starting out with an herb garden and a few other plants that can be transported easily (and will start a much larger garden when we're there). I have planted green onions, dill, basil, chives, and pumpkins (big and small). Those are the seeds I planted. I was also interested in planting mint, but could not find seeds for that anywhere. HD had some already planted/growing. I bought one of those and a creole tomato plant. I also purchased one of those topsy-turvy planters for strawberries. Only to get home, open it up and find that it was only the planter. Really PO'd! I looked over the box to see if it had a required materials list or anything like that, and it didn't. I called my paw paw to see where I can get strawberry plants and he told me it was too late to plant them. I guess I'll have to wait until later to plant those!
Anyway, I'm just excited and wanted to share! Hopefully nothing will die on me!
Re: Planted my very first garden!