I have been having some blood pressure issues and have been on bedrest for the past few weeks. This past monday, I went to the doctor for an ultrasound and was sent here to the hospital because of my bp, and the growth on my most recent u/s has slowed since the last u/s. The doctors are concearned that he is not growing very well in utero because of the vaso-constriction happening in there. The good thing is he is very active and his heart is beating away.
When I got here the informed me I would be staying the night. After the first night here, my bp's were still high and they decided to keep me another night so they could do a 24 hour urine collection, and give me some steroid shots to prepare the little mans lungs for an early arrival.
Yesterday they discovered I had a small amount of protein in my urine and since my bp's are still out of control and I do have some swelling they are considering me borederline pre-eclamptic. They are keeping me here throughout the weekend so they can re-evaluate my labs on sat.
Monday, they will make the decision to induce me or not. I will be 34 weeks at that point and waiting til then(if I can hold out) will allow that much more time for his lungs to develop. It will all depend on what my blood pressure is going to do over the next few days.
We are so anxious/nervous and the reality that our baby will be here within the next week is well...ahhh. I was anticipating a December baby. When the BP issues started they told me I would go early so I got used to the idea of having maybe a Thanksgiving baby....now, he may be joining us for Halloween. Eeks....we also are anticipating that he will be spending some time in the NICU...maybe not, but we are prepared. So....wish us luck.
Suprisingly, being here isn't that bad. I am being waited on, dont need to get up for anything cept to pee(which I do quite frequently) and the food is not that bad. I am not on any special diet so I get to order whatever I want from the hosptals "room service." Everytime a baby is born the play lullaby chimes in the hall(only in daytime hours) and I have counted 12 babies since I have been here monday.
The worst of it is being away from Travis and of course my little pup Sophie. Travis keeps saying he will stay with me at night but I can't bare the thought of Sophie being away from both of us...I miss her so much. T said he would bring her up here this weekend to see me. I will have to be wheeled outside to visit but thats ok...I could use some fresh air...that and being with my hubs and pooch will be good for the bp!
Re: My pregnancy update!
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Awe. I'm sorry thats happening! I had high blood pressure both times I was pregnant. It sucked
I went into early labor at 31 weeks with both but they stopped it. I had my second at 36 weeks and he wasn't done cooking- but he didnt get the lung meds either.... So, I had to have my baby in the NICU, it was hard---but so worth it because now he is perfectly healthy and perfect! I know that with the meds they've already given you, there is a much better chance his lungs will be done.
Good luck! I'm sure you and the baby will get the best care possible and in a month or so you will look back and it will all be fine.
(Like I said, I talk from experience. I pray you don't have to experience the NICU life, but if you do.... please let us know... you will need support).
Wow, sorry you are having to deal with all of this. You sound really positive and that is so important! It's good that you are in the hospital being well taken care of and it really is the best for both you and your baby!
I am glad you are getting the steroid shots too. I think that really helped my boys with the lung development. I delivered at 32 weeks and niether of the boys had any breathing issues they were just feeders and growers. We spent a month in the NICU and yes it sucked but we also mentally prepared ourselves for it pretty much after I found out it was twins. That helped me out a lot as well.
I hope all goes well and please keep us posted! Will be thinking of you and your hubby and baby! (and your doggie too!)
Wow Debi. I had no idea things had gotten to this point. You most definately will be in my thoughts and prayers. Hopefully they can get it to come down so you can hold out longer. Please take it easy and try to stay relaxed. Easier said then done I know. I know Travis and Sophie miss you terrible. Hopefully he can bring her up for a visit.
I heard about the chimes from when my Uncle was in there. He couldnt figure it out for the first few days. I had never heard of anything like that until he told me. Pretty cool. Anyhow take care and let us know how your doing.
Sending lots of prayers your way for a healthy baby! My best friend's baby was born at 29 weeks and he is doing awesome!
I'm sorry you have to go through this but my thoughts are with you and the soon to be beautiful little one!
Maybe you can sneak Sophie into the delivery room! Hehe
You know I'm thinking about you constantly. I can't believe he is going to be here soon!
Thanks for the wishes girls. I am trying to grasp the idea of having this little guy so soon. I gotta say though, I am feeling a little homesick today
I am wearing my own clothes and I keep having T take home my dirty clothes for Sophie to smell....I know gross but at least she knows I am still alive..haha!
You, the baby, your hubby and even Sophie are in my prayers! :-)
You seem to be very well taken care of and very informed and positive. Hang in there, pretty soon you'll be holding your HEALTHY baby in your arms :-)
You guys are in my thoughts and prayers. Hang in there, soon you will meet your precious little one. : )
Here's to a healthy little one and to yourself getting healthy of course!
You sound just like me with my dog. She's like my kid and I wouldn't want to leave her either! I'm sorry about the bumps in the road but it sounds like they are taking great care of you and your baby. And in my experience 34 weekers do very well. I would say that he may need some CPAP and IV fluids while he figures out how to eat. But even that is worst-case scenerio, I've seen plenty 34 weekers who do great right away and they are eating and keeping their temp up on their own right out of the gate. I'll be praying that your little guy is one of the fiesty ones. And the steriods they are giving you are a great way to make sure that he is!
I hope you'll keep us updated. Good luck with everything and if you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask!
Ugh! Bedrest is bad enough....now to have to do it in the hospital
I'm sure that you and the baby are going to be perfectly healthy. They will take good care of you in the hospital!!
Also, I know a week can make a world of difference, but I just wanted to remind you that A. was a 35 weeker. We were also very lucky and didn't need the NICU. I'm feeling that you and your baby are going to be as lucky as we were!
Take care of yourself...we're saying our prayers for you both. Keep us updated!