Does anyone know if Miracle Grow products just super nutrient loaded, or do they have pesticides in them too? I don't put them on any of my veggies or herbs, but I am totally guilty of using them on my flowers. I use the potting soil and also the packets of powdered stuff that you add to the watering can.
I'm reading a book right now about the collapse of the honey bees, and it has me hating on any kind of chemical additives messing with plants, but especially pesticides. That Miracle Grow stuff is the only thing I use at home, but I honestly don't know how it works. I want my flowers to be beneficial for the bees, so I want to stop using it if it has a pesticide in it that will decrease the protein levels in the pollen. I know that my little flower garden isn't going to save the bees, but I still want to do my part, you know?
Re: Miracle Grow questions
Miracle Grow is a high nitrogen fertilizer, which is problematic too. It contaminates ground water and runs off into streams. Here's a quick overview of the consequences:
Thanks for wanting to become a better steward of the natural environment.