To follow up from Majorwife's GMO post below, here is another article from the same website. I have exerpted the portion that I think is the most alarming about GMOs.
GMOs: Devaluing the definition of ?Organic?
You?ll never guess what comes next?
Here?s the Monsanto sequence:
But really, from a business standpoint, is it fair to decertify an otherwise pure field (and make the farmer lose the $ premium that comes with the organic label) just because it?s been contaminated with a pesky tenth of a percent of GMO genes? Or one perecent? Or two?
I suppose it shouldn?t be surprising in a country where milk comes adulterated with pus (tolerated because Monsanto?s artificial growth hormones make the cows so sick there?s no way to avoid it), and where they gather up the pink slime off the slaughterhouse floor so they can add it back in to MacDonald?s hamburgers and pad their profit margins even further.
Coming soon:
Re: GMOs: Devaluing the definition of ?Organic?