New Hampshire Nesties
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Hey girl. how are you? How's baby a? How are you feeling? How's life in general?!?!?
Re: *MrsA*
Hi Cayla - I wish I could say "everything is great" but things are pretty rotten right now. (There goes my positive mental attitude...)
I recently found out that I have systemic lupus - and it has given me stage 4 kidney disease, fluid around my heart and my lungs. If that were it, they would give me some serious chemo (basically my own antibodies aren't recognizing my organs so they are rejecting them) and we'd fight that fight. But, we have Baby A in there, so we are trying some milder treatments to try to save me and her. It's all very overwhelming and day to day right now.
I was in Brigham & Women's all last week, trying to get things stable. Now I am home on bedrest - more because of the kidney than Baby A. She is doing ok in there so far. But, if she and I can hold on, (please send prayers!), she is going to be EARLY. They said anywhere from Dec 8 - Feb 14. She won't get even CLOSE to her due date.
It actually feels good to tell you (and all you lurkers!) what's been going on - I have been trying to lurk and post occasionally, but that's been hard. I just didn't want you to think I disappeared!
Please send your thoughts, prayers and any kind of get well dust you have lying around. Please keep the interesting posts coming - I like to at least read what you're all up to.
Hugs to everyone, especially you Cayla!
Have you started your new promotion job yet?
Oh my goodness!!!!! That was not the response I was expecting at all!!!!!!!! You are totally in my thoughts and prayers... Do we know for sure Baby A is a girl? What a completely overwhelming ordeal you are dealing with! Hang on Baby A.... February is a great month to have a baby though, mines 2/7! (Trying to make a funny... did it work???)
Please please let us know if there is anything we can do... I will be down on the seacoast this weekend, and would be more then willing to help you in anyway! Shoot me an e-mail- cjduclos at yahoo dot com and I will send you my #'s just incase you need anything!
Atleast- as if this makes anything better, you are in the care of amazing experienced knowledgable doctors. Ugg huge hugs to you! I don't even know what to say to make you feel better.... just know I'm thinking of you! Will the kidney disease go away once she is born? Is there anyway it can affect her?
To answer your question, I did start my new position last Thursday, things are going well, just overwhelmed with the new office, clients and employees, but I'm sure it's just a matter of time.
Hugs to you and Jude... hang in there! :-)
Kristen, I have been praying hard for you and your family. ?I am so sorry you are going through this. ?I am home all the time with Ben- if you need anything at all- let me know!!!
So, "she"?? ?God bless your little girl and I hope she continues to do well in there. ?((hugs))
Yes, one of the side benefits of all of this is that we know she's a SHE.
Victoria actually figured it out a couple of weeks ago, because I slipped, but I wouldn't confirm it then...! LOL!
To answer some questions (that I can remember) - the kidney disease actually has to be resolved ASAP - if the kidneys fail, I'll need a transplant. So, I can't wait until she's born - that's why we're trying this medicine. If it doesn't turn things around in about 3 weeks, we'll have no choice but to use the chemo, which is something I can't even bear to think about, because we'll lose Baby Girl A to save me - and it's just unfathomable to me.
February is a great month - and my dad's b-day is the 16th and Jude's mom's is the 17th, so she'll be in super great company in that month!
I'll holler out if I need anything, but right now, I am sleeping, eating and taking meds.
Jeanette - LOVE the siggy pic of Ben. Thanks for the prayers!
Butting in to send you warm thoughts and prayers, Kristin! I cannot believe what you are going through and how strong you sound despite everything being in limbo as far as what could happen. I hope for the best and will pray that medicine works. Stay comfortable and rested.
You, Jude, and your precious little baby girl A will be in my thoughts.
Your message made me worry this AM. Please know that I've been and will continue to think of you during this difficult time. If I can do anything at all for you I will be happy to do so.
I'm in the neighborhood at Brighams and I'm happy to help out if you are down here - even if it's just keeping you company.
Thoughts, Prayers and wishes to all of you from me and Pete.
:::Butting in as well::::
I've been thinking of you often and didn't take it as a good sign when you disappeared, but didn't want to post because I didn't want you to have to "answer me" and share info that you might not want to share just yet. I will be saying lots and lots of extra prayers for you, Jude, and Baby A. Hopefully she (and you) can hang in there just a little bit longer. Tons of HUGS to you all.
Heather got me lurking over here, Kristin, and I had to poke in and say that you, Jude and Baby A are in my prayers. Take care of yourself!
Thanks, everyone!
Heather - thanks - I didn't realize you were near Fenway - that's been a consolation to me - seeing the Citgo sign.
Lynn - I love that pic of you and Mike - LOL!
Nyssa - I didn't want to tell you about it because I didn't want anything bad to start running through your head.
Hugs all around and I will try to update you all when I can.
Big (but gentle!) hugs.
You know I'll come up whenever you want/need some company, though it sounds like Jude is doing a good job taking care of you.