Okay I will preface this to say that I hardly ever get overly upset with my husband and most of the time I'm pretty laid back about his "forgetfulness".
Okay I am in a wedding on Dec 6th down in Jasper. Which means the rehearsal is Friday Dec 5th. I have known about this since June and so I have been telling DH that he needs to take a half day of work off so he can have time to get down to Jasper, get freshened up and all for the rehersal. We live about an hour and a half away from there and he doesn't normally get off work until 3:30 and the rehearsal starts at 5. I am going down earlier in the day with my parents because my cousin needs help with decorating the church.
Well fast forward to today and he calls me and tells me he doesn't know if he would be able to get it because back at the end of August when he had to put any December time down the bosses told them that if they didn't put it down then, it would be tough to get it later. And he forgot to put that time in. But the kicker is today is the first time I have heard that the bosses said this. He didn't bother to tell me that day. I have just kept asking if he had put it in and he told me he'd get to it. Well I got a little upset with him because I have been telling him about this since this summer! And then he proceeds to tell me that this doesn't matter as much to him as it does to me and that it doesn't affect him like it does me because it has nothing to do with him.
Well sometimes in marriage you have to do things that might not matter as much to you as it does your spouse. He's in a wedding next September over Labor Day weekend which is normally my family's annual beach trip. I don't know this guy that well, but I will be skipping my family's trip to be at that rehearsal and wedding with him, and it's only his friend. This is a family wedding I am in.
I know I am overreacting but it just kinda hurt my feelings, and made me not feel very important to him. I know I am but it was just the words he used. Thanks for letting me vent. It made me feel better to get that out.
Re: Can I vent for a second?
Ew....I am sorry. This sounds like my DH. He hates weddings anyways....
I think men are so forgetful and just don't think about stuff like this as much as we do. Now that is no excuse for him. I don't think you are overreacting. I would be aggravated too.
I am sorry he was being so un~thoughtful of you and your feelings! I would also be upset.
lady...i am totally right there with you, i would be so upset...
my dh is forgettful, and i have to get on him and STAY on him (sometimes until he gets mad at me for doing so) about taking off time to be off for whatever...it can be so frustrating...
i am sorry he was so un-thoughtful...