i got a baby dogwood last fall - did great all fall, wintered well, had great spring leaves and even one bud. It was VERY wet all April, then VERY hot (90s) and dry for about 3 weeks. I tried to water it every day with a lot of water and it responded well tho if I wasn't out there every morning and evening the leaves would wilt. Then it got rainy and cool here again (60s) for almost 2 weeks and now its finally normal summer weather. But, now the leaves are real droopy and they will probably all die off.
The branches are still alive and dogwoods seem to do great in my neighborhood. I know the soil is wet and I'm trying to not over water. Any other advice or ideas? I'm hoping to just leave it alone and it will come around but I'm nervous its just gonna die.
Re: Shocked baby tree or dying?
The elm roots might not have anything to do with it, and it's decaying roots won't transmit root rot to the roots of the Dogwood; it's doesn't happen that way. They are completely different fungi.
Ground stumps and wood chips sometimes adversely affect nearby plants, but 20-30' is not close enough for this to factor in (nitrogen issues can happen with thick layers of freshly ground tree wood).
And droopy, wilted leaves ARE a symptom of root fungus. They are the major symptom.