I was so jealous of The_Jens ticker...I guess I just had to get my own!
Life really happens when you don?t expect it. Started trying in January and stopped in September. I?ve been overwhelmed with us not buying a house yet, moving around, not finding a job here?etc. Then, I got a pretty nice promotion at my last job so we are moving back to California in three weeks. I had asked DH if we could hold off until next year. I was just too stressed to keep charting. As I'm planning our move, getting a new apartment, budgeting how much we can spend and afford, getting movers that won?t take a month to deliver our belongings?etc., I finally realized that October is going by and I'm late. Since I had stopped charting last month, I had to go back and make sure I was late.
We've had two miscarriages so we are going to hold off until next year to tell all the family and friends. But I still get so excited; I want to tell the entire world!!!
Re: New ticker!!!! LONG
My amateur photo blog
I'm in Eugene. We've been here for four months so I wont get to even experience the rain :-( or get to go to Mt Hood skiing. I wouldn't have moved if there had been a good, career growing job for me but unemployment really sucks. I'm loving fall and the cold weather. So I will just take as much in as I can.
I'm going to miss this board --I'm not a big fan of the Orange County Board.
OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yay for you!!!!!!!
I better see you posting on the 1st tri board chickie! Try to relax and kick your feet up, get plenty of sleep, and don't stress out!