Los Angeles Nesties
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I've noticed that there hasn't been a post about it. Is anyone out there feeling it like I am. I feel like our pennies have been sssttrreettcchheeedd to the max. Anyone else?
Re: The economy
Glad you brought it up. I kept starting to post then didn't know what to say.
I am freaking out about things. I have been running budgets and numbers, searching coupons and money saving tips all day. I am just so worried. People I know are losing jobs, charging household essentials, and I am so scared where we will be left by the end of the year. So yes, I completely feel the same.
Absolutely! I can't believe how much groceries are costing us. My shopping list hasn't changed that much, but the totals have increased by almost 30%!!!! Luckily, I'm learning how to shop a little better(I'm superfrugal anyway), and I managed to get my grocery total down to $62 from $115!
We are starting to put together a household budget, that we've never had before...and that's going to be difficult.
Yah, it's hard and it's going to take a lot of effort to make every penny count. I suppose the silver lining is that we're all going through this together?
I think it is very scary right now. I just found out today they are doing lay offs at my work and I'm just praying I'm safe for when I go back. Not the stress I need. But I talked to my boss and she's making me feel pretty good about it. At least that I don't have to worry about it. But my good friend (who hooked me up with the job) got laid off today. So sad.
And we don't seem to ever have any extra money. I thought with me being pregnant and us not going "out" as much we'd be able to save a good chunk, but with how the prices have gone up at the grocery stores and what not, it just seems like we are scraping by.
My DH is up for a job that would make life ALOT easier. We are praying it pans out. We think he has a good chance so hopefully he'll get an interview soon!
I'm terribly frightened. The only reason I have a job right now is because our bank has so many foreclosures. After the craptastic day today, I'm completely overwhelmed....
My employer is in the process of being sold. So we're just all sitting around here waiting to find out if we'll be told to back our boxes and when. With everything going on in the company, I've yet to tell my boss that I'm pregnant.
Just on DH's income alone we should be fine, but that would be on a ramen noodle diet, no going out, and no more random trips to Target
. Granted the price of ramen noodles don't go skyrocketing too. As it is, a lot of our extra money is going to cover the two mortgages we have in Vegas. We are renting out two properties, but not for what we pay monthly on the mortgages.