I currently see Dr Bear and have been happy with the care I receive for the most part, but would like to try to find an OB that is less busy. The 2 hour wait for appointments and the rushed appointments are annoying.
Can anyone recommend an OB that delivers at West Allis Memorial? I am not pregnant, but delivered my son there and would like to deliver future children there as it's close to our house and I had a good experience. I would prefer that the OB work for Advanced Healthcare as that's where my primary doctor is, but will see someone outside of there.
Also, has anyone had any experience with Joby George? She practices very close to me.
Any ideas would be appreciated! TIA!
Re: OBGYN West Allis
I am also a patient of Dr. Bears and agree that the wait times can be horrible, although I have never felt rushed during the appointments. I always call ahead of my appointments and ask how far behind he's running and then just show up that late for my appointment.
As for switching, you could switch to someone else at the same place. I have seen Dr. Carlson a few times and have liked him. I have also seen notices that he even has Saturday appointments. I was seen by Dr. Joby George once and my experience with her was horrible but that doesn't mean yours would be.
Secondary infertility success with IVF, then two losses, one at 14 weeks and one at 10 weeks, then success with IUI and then success with condoms! Who would ever have guessed.
This Cluttered Life