I have what we call a "rock garden" (has decorative rock instead of mulch). It gets full sun from morning until the sun sets. We pulled out a few bushes because they were getting to big for the area and we were worried about the electrical boxes they were planted near (by previous owner). I am looking for something pretty, that also flowers, is not invasive, and doesn't get too huge, that I could plant here. Do you have any suggestions?
The previous owner had 2 Dwarf Burning bushes (which we have transplanted elsewhere) 2 Wine & Rose Wygelea (one we dug up because they had something else growing on top of it), 2 bushes we have no idea what they are (they are a light green yellow color and get tiny little clusters of flowers), as well as some type of grass bushes which we got rid of because I don't like them. We planted a hydrangea last year and it surprisingly does ok out there. This summer we planted a Purple Leaf Sand Cherry to eventually provide some evening shade for the hydrangea. I will try to find and post a pic later on tonight if that will help.
(I thought I would ask here since you are in the same zone as me)
Re: ***Rubyiu***
Wow,I feel special, a title with my name in it!
Some things I might suggest that bloom... boomerang lilacs (they flower in the Spring AND Fall instead of just once... so pretty!), azalea, magic carpet spirea. Maybe even some hostas? They grow EVERYWHERE and do flower, and are very hearty in all environments.