I'm new to gardening and have a couple questions.
1. I planted a cherry tomato plant in a Topsy Turvy a month ago. The vines are growing a lot, there are maybe 10 green tomatoes, and a bunch more yellow flowers. How long until the tomatoes will be ripe enough to pick? I'm excited!
2. I planted basil and cilantro from seed in the middle of March. I kept them inside until June and then moved them outside. They look healthy, but are growing really slowly. 3+ months later, the basil is maybe 2 inches tall with 2 good size leaves; the cilantro is 6 inches tall. Do I need to repot them at some point? They're in small pots now and I'm wondering if that's inhibiting their growth??
Re: Topsy Turvy tomatoes and herbs from seed
Yes, definitely repot the herbs!
I'm guessing maybe another 2-4 weeks, depending on the variety. I have 12 topsy turvys (so 28 plants total) and I'm guessing beginning of august is when I'll start bringing veggies in.