Im excited. Today was Pink-tober day and my club (Honor Society) sponsored a day where the kids for a donation could wear a pink shirt instead of their uniform shirt. Looks like we made almost $400 bucks from what I was given today and i'm sure there is more. On Tuesday we are having a "hat day" for $1 and the $$ goes there too. I feel empowered by my school making a stand. I spoke with all of my 6th grade classes about breast cancer and they all knew someone who had been effected. One kid decided to be funny about the word breast and the kid beside him said Knock it off- my sister has that.
Sorry I wanted to brag about how awesome my kiddos are. I know $400 isnt a ton, but from a middle school with a large percent of free and reduced kids, I'm impressed (more would have been awesome, but its the thought that counts right?)
Re: A brag :) Pink-tober
Awesome! I think it is great when kids have awareness of stuff like this and want to do something about it!