Hi ladies - I am looking for some ground covering help/ideas. I currently have pachysandra in a couple different areas of my backyard and it actually died in some spots last summer (my first summer in the house) and it is starting to come back a little bit this year. I also have what I think is either myrtle or junda (i think thats the name) ground covering in another area. It is mostly under trees in mostly shade all day and is doing really well.
I have another area of my yard that I would like to grow a different type of ground covering. This area is on the side of my yard and can be seen from the street so I was looking for something that might have some height and color too it. Do you have any suggestions on what would be good to plant.
Re: Ground Covering Help
I'm assuming you have shade because of the plants you listed. Ajuga is a fun groundcover that flowers in early summer. There are varieties with multicolored leaves and/or extra tall flower spikes. There are variegated forms of vinca or kinds with yellow leaves and dark purple flowers (not sure what zone you are in but you may be able to grow vinca minor and major). Snow on the Mountain is a nice looking taller groundcover with heavy variation. A lot of people use it for areas similar to yours. There's also Irish moss, ground sedum (if it gets some sun), or real moss.
Otherwise I'd just plant perennials that spread like ostrich fern, bee balm, daylilies, hostas, etc. I have all of those in full-part shade.
Thanks ladies for the suggestions. I forgot to mentioned that the side yard gets full sun all day long pretty much.
I actually tried planting daylillys in that area but I have a tree not that far from the area and the roots are out of control so I couldn't dig deep enough to make a whole for the daylillys so I had to plant them somewhere else. So I thought doing the ground covering there would be better because I wouldn't have to dig as deep.
I will look into those ground coverings to see if they are good in my area. I am in NJ. I am kind of new to all of this so I am still learning.