Hi all! I'm a DC nestie who used to live in NC and I would really love to move back. DC is fun but way to freakin expensive and crowded for me to want to stay here permanently. Plus DH has been on the job hunt here for a long time so I'm asking him to consider job-hunting in NC since things aren't working out here and it's also such a HCOL area.
I know the job market isn't great anywhere right now, but generally speaking do you think it's possible to land something in Raleigh right now? Any industries much stronger than others? DH has a business degree, lots of experience in admin, also catering and hospitality, and his fluent in both Spanish and English. As for me I would probably be looking for fundraising jobs at a university or non-profit
I'm most interest in Raleigh but would consider Charlotte as well. Advice please
Re: How is the job market in Raleigh?
Did I accidentally violate some posting etiquette (like not introducing myself properly?) or are people just not responding because they don't know the answer?
No, this board is just dead.
I think it depends on what field you're in. I've been looking for over a year now for something new, but haven't had any luck. I'm being picky though.
Check out AFP Triangle. They'll post some fundraising jobs. That's what I'm in now, but looking for a different direction.