Today I am heading back to work, I was so upset last night that I was crying. I'm such a baby. But it kinda lit a fire under my a** to really figure out what I want to do for a living because I can't continue to be miserable. With my degree I can take an exam and become a certified health educator and teach corporate wellness programs or can continue and get state certified to teach health in schools. I am thinking this might be the direction I am heading in. I am not good under the pressure of sales and while I get good numbers I am constantly stressed out and it's not worth it. I think this might be my last year in sales!
Has anyone else undergone a complete career change?
Re: Back to Work Blues:(
I wish I didn't have to come back into work this morning. I have been contemplating the same thing. It is scary to have a significant change like that, but could there be a better time? I mean right now you have DH, you don't have children, you aren't planning a wedding. It is probably the perfect time to have that kind of change.
You don't want to continue down a path of not enjoying your job for the next 25 years.
Life and Love at #16 | our married life blog
Good Luck Michaela! I know all about those numbers needing to be met, it sucks, haha. I agree with the other girls, it would be a perfect time to change now that the wedding is out of the way and there are no babies even thought about for a few years! I know I want a change, I just don't feel like it's the right time because of the wedding, so come November 11th, I'll be looking harder. I also have no idea what I really want to do (we've had these talks before).
Something will come along!
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