I'd like to confess that my little sister is over her insurance cap of paying for prescriptions, so now they're all free until the end of of the year. My mom is re-ordering all of her stuff as often as they can so they can stock up and not have to pay for a few months next year. Her acne has been really bad.....and so has mine the past 6 months. Like worst than I've ever had it So I may or may not be taking some of her topical cream stuff to help my face. I know it's helping, but man, it's dry! I've never had to use anything like this. Just freaking go away already!
Also, my sister's bday is next month. I always spoil the crap out of the girl. My parents grew up really poor and think that you don't need designer stuff. So I always try to make up for it because she goes to rich *** schools and people are always like oh my gucci boobs and such. So now DH and I are broke from the wedding and I know he doesn't want me to buy something nice for her, but I feel bad because I always do. Swarovski is having a 50% off sale right now and my sister would seriously FLIP for a necklace I saw there. Like wear it constantly and love it dearly. It's 80 bucks still, and DH gave me the look of um stop thinking and give me your wallet before you do something dumb. I can't stop, it's been 3 days. I really want to get it for her and there was 3 left at that point!!! He said to ask my parents to go in on it, but I'm selfish because I want it from me Plus I feel dumb asking them to go in on 80 bucks when they paid for a good chunk of the wedding. I'm so torn. I know there is another wedding check coming in the mail any day now...ahhhh. I'm going to the mall today with a friend for dinner and I'd like to confess that if the necklace is still there, I will be leaving with it in a bag.
Re: Confession Tuesday
Haha! Love this. Do you have a link to a picture of the necklace? I love swarovski
I confess that I'm terrified of how the inspection will turn out since last time was so bad. I don't want to think my perfect little dream house is flawed... but I am pretty damn sure this inspection won't even compare to the last one. It's in GREAT condition!
I also confess that I hate freaking paperwork. I've been emailing back and forth all day with the bank to get them the proper info. "What is that $150 credit on your account?" "Oh, that's from a client for my photography business" "We need your tax returns from the last two years for your business" "I formed it this year!!"
Ugh. I can understand them questioning the $600 and $900 freelance checks, but $150!? I should have just said it was a bridal shower gift. Lame.
Life and Love at #16 | our married life blog
Sarah--you crack me up! I know all about the dry face from meds stuff..been there done that and all I got was a zitty face with dry skin--Mine is horrible as well..I hate it. I need to get my hair highlighted because believe it or not when my roots are grown out, I feel more greasy and my face shows it.
Brea--Oh the joys
I'm waiting on my re-final approval so I'm trying to not spend a done although it's VERY hard. It's such a pain to get all the paperwork to them--at least you only have to go through it once where as I did it in December and then just did it last week
Have you scheduled your inspection yet?
As for my confession, I confess I'm so tired of my job that I can't really be happy towards co-workers anymore--which just sucks. But I don't feel the need to really look for something else this close to the wedding.
I also confess that can it be August 17th yet? I'm so ready for my Birthday and CLOSING! I can't wait to get out of my cruddy apartment
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The septic inspection is tomorrow morning and the home inspection is after work on Thursday! I need to call to schedule termites still.
I am pretty annoyed that I need to re-scan our W2s and 1099s when I get home. We both worked multiple jobs in 2009 (so we have about 5 w2s a piece and multiple 1099s) and in 2010 I was the one that worked a million jobs (freelance + FT jobs) so it's a TON of paper that needs to be scanned. It took about 2 hours last time, and I need to re scan it all because it scanned TOO LIGHT. ugh
I guess that counts as another confession
Life and Love at #16 | our married life blog
That's the necklace. She's really into keys.
Brea, that is SUPER annoying!!! They checked my credit I don't know how many freaking times and I'm like, it's just getting worst from you dumbies checking it so much! I hated all the paperwork. Is there a way that you can go into the file and change the font to be darker?
Kayla, I'm SO over my job as well. I have no idea what else to do though and how do I tell myself parents that I don't want to be in the family business anymore. I'm settling and I hate coming to work everyday. It like hit me coming back from Hawaii...this is what my life is now. Married and working a job at my parents that I can't move up in. Awesome....
There's More To Life Than Lists (blog)
I confess that I am on pins and needles waiting to hear if I got accepted to UMASS Boston for the fall semester. I think I should, but I am still nervous about it. It's been awhile since I have been in school and getting all this financial aid and stuff done has been a little nerve racking. I am hoping to hear when I am accepted by the end of the week so I can at least know and plan for things. I am nervous about what I might need to take out for student loans and stuff too....*SIGH*. I know this is the right decision though..I am just hoping it all works out!
Good luck on your inspections Brea! I am sure it will go great
Kayla - Can you stick out the job til after the wedding? I'm sure once that is over and you are back you can focus on finding something else that you won't be unhappy at. I know how you feel and it's hard to stay in job that you don't like. Trust me you will find something soon!
Sarah you are a sweet sister! Don't put yourself out too much though!
I am definitely going to try! I don't want to start a new job and ask for 2 weeks off, so I figured what's another 100 days? 3 months, I can do it! I think once we get into August and we move into the house and my showers start and such, I won't notice it as much. We're just in our prime leasing season so the office is crazy and we've had internet, phone, and fire panel issues for the last 2-3 weeks which is a major headache and my boss is extrememly lazy. The part I hate and is he keeps asking me what's wrong and such--its the fact of 9 months with 1 personal day off for a doctors appts..BLAH.
That turned into more of a rant, lol sorry. I can hold out, I'm just tired
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