Hey ladies, I've got a question, if you please!
Let me start by saying I've never even lurked on this board, because, well, I tend to kill plants, and literally have zero gardening skills, so I kind of have no reason to come to this board. :-( But I'm hoping I'll be forgiven for just requesting aide without having the decency to lurk first!
Basically my DH and I just bought a house, and my hubs is getting verrry into gardening (he's loving it!) and we've got lovely grass, flowers, and veggies growing all due to him.
I know he really wants a seed packet organizer. I found one I just love and think he'll love too, because it looks like something his grandfather would have used way back when. But it's from Burgon and Ball in the UK, and NO ONE here seems to sell them. This is one of the UK sites I found it on http://www.lakeland.co.uk/51742/Burgon-and-Ball-Seed-Packet-Organiser
Has anyone ever seen this available on some special in-the-know gardening website for savvy green-thumbed people in the USA? I'd love to avoid international shipping fees if I can, though this company would ship to me, which is nice but pricey!
Thank you so much for any help...have a good night!
Re: Help please! (sorry if long)
dude, i *have* that seed organizer (got it at Kew Gardens on vacation this year) & it is so full of awesome that it is worth international shipping charges.
first off, it's cute. and it's metal so very sturdy.
second off, the seed packets are stored in the upright position, not on their side like so many of the seed organizers sold here.
third off, the seeds are organized by sowing date (the dividers are jan, feb, march, etc) which is just totally brilliant. after years of keeping things separated by type of plant, this makes things so much easier! (I rubber band, say, all the tomato packets i have & file under march).
fourth off, there's a storage area. it's nice to have my tags, a pen/pencil, planting plan, etc. with my seeds.
in short, this is a seed organizer he'll be able to use for the rest of his life. it's well-designed and attractive. these things are rare to find in US gardening products. i wish more UK stuff was available at garden centers here.
Amazon sells it on their UK site. Maybe they charge less for shipping?
I should add, in full disclosure, that the *one* thing I don't like about it is that the lid kind of rests on top of the box. it's not like tupperware or anything where it stays on all by itself.
however, by comparison of the products available here, i still think it's far superior.