Hey, this my first time posting on this board, so I hope this is an appropriate question for it!
I'm throwing a birthday party and was planning to do only hors d'oeuvres for the menu. How many pieces do you think I need to prepare?
I was thinking a big salad or maybe two, one with meat (like a seven-layer) and also several bread/pita and dip options. I had heard 12-15 heavy apps per person on a post about a wedding reception - does that sound correct for a bday party at 6pm on a Friday? And do servings of bread and dip and salad count towards that 12-15 pieces?
This isn't a party crowd, it will be mostly co-workers, some with small kids, so I expect to do cake at 7.30 and have people filter out after that.
Re: How much food for 30 people?
Our Share of the Harvest:How a couple cooks from a CSA share. Pick Up Day Week 15
fyi This website has lots of amounts listed as you scroll down: http://www.greatpartyrecipes.com/cooking_for_large_groups.html
5 recipes of 6 dozen would be good. You might want to up either the easier or heartier one to add another dozen.
Mr. Sammy Dog
Thanks for all the advice! I really don't know anyone who has cooked on this scale and what I was thinking sounded alright, but I definitely wanted some other opinions to make sure I wasn't way off base.
The party isn't until late August but this week I realized that I will have zero time to work on it after this weekend with holiday commitments and stuff. I will try to post a potential menu this week and any and all feedback would be welcomed!