So I am still awaiting my acceptance letter from UMASS and I can not believe it is taking this long! Transfer students had to have their applications in by July 1st and I personally hand delivered everything to the admissions office by then! I keep checking the website for my admissions status decision but it keeps saying that they are reviewing it...ummm it's like the end of July and school starts in like a! If for some reason I don't get in, then I need to register for classes elsewhere and not to mention I hate waiting til the last minute! My work also needs to know my schedule since it will obviously change and they do the schedule weeks in advance...ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Some people have told me to call, but I feel like I will just get some type of generic response of "we are reviewing applications and will have the decision out as soon as possible" or something like that. I just want to stop stalking my mailbox and the website already and get things going!!
Ok, I am done. Back to defrosting my ground turkey for turkey tacos tonight.
Re: WTF UMASS!! *vent*
~The Married Blog~with Wedding Pics!
~Planning Bio - Updated 4.27.11~ *aukelly in a former life*
There's More To Life Than Lists (blog)
I know right?! I am giving them til the end of the week and if nothing by then I will call!
Ugh that's annoying!! I got my rejection letter on my honeymoon... I kind of knew it was coming since they wanted a 580 or something for the GMAT exam.... Taken it twice $500 down the drain and couldn't get over a 420 so I have no idea how people get a 580 I think it's impossible!
I would definitely call them to see if the slightest thing is missing so you can get it to them... play stupid hehe
Updated 6.8.11
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Call them! You are going to pay a lot of money to go there, at least get your money's worth out of annoying them!
I hear you though, I am the most impatient person every - it's so frustrating!!