DH's mom and stepdad got me a nice diamond bracelet and gave it to me the night before the wedding. I love it, but....it's yellow gold and everything I have is white gold or silver, so I feel like I really wouldn't wear it. I feel really really bad because I really do love it. I don't know what to do about it. I really would love to get it exchanged for the exact same bracelet but just white gold. If I did that, I probably would wear it a few times a week. I'm assuming she would rather me wear it all the time, but I don't want to be rude as this is the first present they have bought me special. They normally give me gift cards to go shopping on my own.
How should I go about it?
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That is awkward, isn't it? MIL got me a bracelet for my birthday last year that I never wear because it's just NMS. She asked DH about it and he sort of played dumb. I wore it once around her so she could see it, but I guess she's noticed that I don't wear it very much (or you know, at all).
I haven't had yellow gold dipped white before. If that's easy to do and safe for the stones, I'd probably go that route. Or I might have DH feel his mom out about an exchange. I think it's sort of weird that they didn't notice your preference for yellow or white before buying it.
06.24.11 OBX, NC
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Honestly, I am going to be the minority here and say do not get it dipped and accept it as it is. I am just of the mindset that the nature of a gift is that it's not what you want, it's what someone wanted to give you, and that's not negotiable. I guess it depends on what your relationship is like with your IL's, but it could potentially sow seeds of discord. That was just my gut reaction.
Why not use that to start up a gold collection? I used to be the same way about yellow gold in high school. I had gold hoops, gold chains etc and would never wear silver, but then I learned to accessorize certain outfits with silver and it opened up a whole new world for me. Plus, a true fashionista will say that metals are neutrals and they can be mixed and matched (ok, Stacy on What Not to Wear taught me this). I have since taken to doing this sometimes and once you get past the initial hesitation, it's fantastic! I have a silver and yellow gold Cape Cod bracelet that I never take off, so I am wearing both metals every single day.
I've definitely thought about this but I've had it for almost two months and haven't worn it Maybe I'll try another couple weeks, but I just feel really weird about it. I honestly don't think that his mom would care. She would rather me wear it than not.
There's More To Life Than Lists (blog)
I second Kelly, Cathy and Risa but Lola makes a really good point.
You know how you are and if you would wear it or not so at the end of the day is your decision. But if you do decide to dip it just make sure you tell MIL before. GL
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I definitely would want MIL to know about it, otherwise, she'd be like omg, she has the same exact bracelet in two metals! haha!
My mom says that I should have DH call her and just talk with her saying that he knows I would get more use out of it if were white gold since it matches my ring and see if we could make an afternoon out of it going to exchange it or get it dipped and then lunch or something. I know she really wouldn't care and would rather me wear it all the time, it's the just finding the correct words to explain it...Plus my mom brought up a point that if I don't say that I like white gold, she could keep buying me things in the future in yellow. Which in that case, then Laura takes her stand of having two separate collections
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