Anyone feel differences in your relationship after marriage yet, good or bad?
I know we have a deeper bond now and we are closer for sure. Living with him has been amazing and I've only found two things that irritate me so far, haha! He drinks from cartons and doesn't let the air out of bags of food. I love coming home to our little family and it makes me way happier. We used to say, I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you, I want to be with you forever, etc, and those have pretty much seized. I still like those comments though even though we're married and it's expect obviously we want to be with each other forever.
What's one thing you should work on in your marriage at this time?
I feel like we need to work on our food routine. It's so dumb, but we went to the store last night. I thought we were there just to get a few things for today and dinner for last night. He thought we were grocery shopping for a bit. He was super hungry though. I understand we should shop for more than one day, but I'm just learning recipes and I can't just go around a store and pick stuff up to figure out what to make out of it later. So I explained that I would come back after I have recipes. Apparently, I need to start hop to-ing for dinner!!
Re: Things that have changed since marriage
Anyone feel differences in your relationship after marriage yet, good or bad?
We are definitely closer as well, our bond is just deeper and there isnt really a way for me to describe it. We definitely dont take anything for granted. Before we used to not really appreciate all the time we spent together and the fun things that we did. Now that we're married and we know its something we're going to have to work at every day, we definitely appreciate those things a little more. For the bad, since I became preggo I have not been very active in the bedroom. Poor my husband :0( But between being nauseas 24 hours a day, and looking incredibly bloated, I'm just not really feeling it. I need to make a conscious effort to do better. Tonight I will put out.
What's one thing you should work on in your marriage at this time?
Bringing our work home with us. If we get home after a bad day, it often carries over into our time together. It's something that we shouldnt do, because it's not like we get a crazy amount of time together anyways.
Anyone feel differences in your relationship after marriage yet, good or bad?
It def feels different being married, I don't know how I would explain the difference though. We are closer but I also feel like that might be because we both have more time do to things that aren't wedding related. We have been having some really good talks lately too.
What's one thing you should work on in your marriage at this time?
I think right now is managing expectations, there are things I expect to be done quickly that he apparently doesn't see or ignores. For example...he used the plunger a week ago and washed it out in our guest bathroom (a completely seperate problem) and left it there. I asked him last night when are planning on moving the plunger from the guest bathroom to where it belongs...and said "oh I completely forgot about it" ....MEN!
Anyone feel differences in your relationship after marriage yet, good or bad?
I feel like things are the same overall but we def are closer. Its like once you know you have this forever bond it makes your relationship even stronger than ever.
What's one thing you should work on in your marriage at this time?
We are trying to work on our finances, we spend too much and need to save more. We have had a lot of candid discussion on this and we have a new plan in place we both seem happy with:)
~The Married Blog~with Wedding Pics!
~Planning Bio - Updated 4.27.11~ *aukelly in a former life*
Anyone feel differences in your relationship after marriage yet, good or bad?
We've lived together for a year and a half now, but after the wedding we also feel much more connected. We both agree that it feels the same, but different too. Deeper somehow. Saying those vows in front of our family and friends really did take us across a threshold. It's feels so permanent knowing that we really are together forever, even when we want to kill each other. The downside to that is that my husband really has gotten comfortable (read: lazy) about date nights and quality time now. I don't feel like he's working for it as hard as he was before.
What's one thing you should work on in your marriage at this time?
We have to work on some family boundaries and putting our relationship first. DH didn't have a very close relationship with his family at all. In the last year (since our engagement, really) they've worked very hard to repair that. Unfortunately, they're almost too close for comfort now. He's really struggling to juggle med school starting, his family, and me. Med school is so consuming that he has less free time. As a result, he's having to make some hard choices in order to balance it all. We don't always agree on what's the best choice, but we're working on it.
06.24.11 OBX, NC
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I second Michaela and Kelly.
Anyone feel differences in your relationship after marriage yet, good or bad?
We are def closer. And that even sounds weird to say because we've been living together for 5 years now. Well at least I feel a closer bond. Before he would always go to his sister with any issues he might of had and it used to bother me sooo much kind of like being jealous of her because he confided in her more than me. But recently we've been talking about everything. Making it "forever" def had an impact on us lol
What's one thing you should work on in your marriage at this time?
Right now there are 2 things. #1 being that we need to manage our $ better. He makes a lot of $$$$$$$$$ and he also likes the finer things in life and I feel like that's a problem. He should really save more and spend less. Also his family Grrr! His mom has a gorgeous 2 family home (3 bedroom on the top with kitchen, bathroom, etc and 2 bedroom on the bottom with kitchen, bathroom, etc) we rent the bottom portion from her because I don't know if you remember a while back he was jobless for like a year so it was cheaper to move with her and pay less of rent. Well he's really close to his family and there are times where I swear you would think he lives up there. On purpose I stay down in my part of the house and sometimes I can go all day without seeing him or talking to him then when he comes down and says "hey babe I haven't seen you all day" I say "well you haven't been home all day". We go at it for a few mins but he still doesn't get it and I feel like he's never going to get it unless we move away or he gets in my shoes. Is an ongoing battle but thankfully we are in the proccess of buying/looking for a house so wish us luck!
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