Good Morning everyone, I'll be doing the bun check for time being..well until I pass the torch on to someone else. Jayme gave a good run ( Round of applause for Jayme )[
-EDD 10/20/08 It's a boy!
-EDD 11/4/08 It's a surprise!
-EDD 11/10/08. BFP 3/5/08 It's a girl!
-EDD 11/25/08. BFP 3/19/08
-EDD 11/29/08. BFP 3/24/08 It's a girl!
-EDD 11/30/08. BFP 3/20/08 It's a girl!
-EDD 12/21/08
-EDD 1/15/09 It's a boy!
-EDD 2/21/09.
-EDD 4/4/09 BFP 7/26/08
K's Kitch
-EDD 4/17/09 BFP 8/3/08
-EDD 4/19/09
-EDD 4/26/09 BFP 8/19/08
-EDD 5/1/09 BFP 8/25/08
-EDD 5/18/09
-EAD ???.
Anyone else who wants to join our group just post your info.
QOTD: Do you have a hunch of what you're having? And if you all ready know, was your hunch right or wrong?
Re: LA Nestie Bun in the Oven Check In
YAY Good job Michele!!!
Update: I'm doing good. This heat made me swell up this weekend though. Grr. I can't believe I only have 6 weeks left. So exciting. We finished her room this weekend (Just waiting on the wall letters to arrive) I finished all of her laundry. Now I feel like if she came, she has a space that is ready for her. Although my house still feels like a disaster! I have a house cleaner who is coming the first week in November.
QOTD: I was totally convinced that I was having a boy. Like no doubt in my mind. When the lady said it was a girl, I was in shock and couldn't believe it for a good 3 weeks. LOL.
UD: Nothing much, lost some weight( think was from bloat) b/c I fit into my regular jeans again
QOTD: No inclination either way this time, with Mia I was sure it was a boy!
Update: I still have some morning sickness, but nothing like I did during most of my first trimester. I haven't gain any weight in the past 3 weeks. At least according to my scale at home. I finally told my boss on Friday that I was preggo.
QOTD: I have this feeling we're having a girl. DH would really like to have a boy the first time around, so naturally we'll probably get the opposite. Either way, I am happy just to have a healthy baby.
update: I'm feeling good. I had my one hour GD test last week, passed with a 100. My hips keep cramping up at night so i switch sides all night long. Other than that everything looks good and baby is very very active, my husband loves to see and feel my tummy "dance"
QOTD: I had a feeling it was a boy from day 1. I would have dreams it was a boy also, and when we found out it was in fact a boy i was soo happy
I think I'm discovering what round ligament pain feels like. Every time I stand too suddenly, turn over in bed or sneeze I get stabby, pinchy little pains all along my lower stomach. Yesterday it was particularly bad. On a happy note, I found out that my husband's niece (she's 31) is having her second and is 9 weeks along! I'm so happy that our babies will be little together, and grow up as playmates. DH has an enormous family and all the little kids grow up as friends. Now our child will have somebody close in age. She's my favorite "niece", but the poor thing will have 2 under 2 as her first isn't even a year yet!
QOTD: Girl Girl because that's what I want, just because my family and DH's family had girls first. I'm going by statistics on this one, so much so that all I can think about is girl stuff.
I'm doing good. Feeling so much better nowadays. I am still -3 lbs which is good since I started 20 lbs heavier this time. My goal is to keep the weight gain under 20 lbs.
QOTD: I'm leaning towards boy because this pg has been different than my other one and I had a dream it was a boy. DH is sure that it's a girl (I have 1 nephew and 5 nieces).We'll find out in 4 weeks! I can't wait.
With DD, I dreamed it was a girl but kept trying to convince myself it was a boy. DH told me it was a girl.
Hi All - I'm good. My due date is 3 weeks from today. I just can't believe it. These past 3 mornings I've been getting a really bad runners cramp on my right side when I walk the dog. We walk at a swift pace and it's just excruciating by the end. This morning I tried pulling up on my belly and it helped so I might have to go get one of those maternity belts for support. I see OB on Wed and will discuss. Also been having more BH contractions and a lot of pressure on my cervix. Hopefully I'll have more progress this week - I want this baby out!
QOTD: I was convinced it was a boy because it's mostly all boys on DH's side. I couldn't believe it was a girl. Obviously I was just thrilled to be pg so any sex was fine but deep down, I really wanted a girl!