I'm looking to change my PCP. Does any have any recs for doctors in the Torrance or around that area? TIA.
PCOS diagnosis~can't remember how many years ago
Several cycles of Clomid with OBGYn ~BFNs
11-09 Initial Consult with RE
12-09 Changed to a different RE
1-2010 CCT-BFN
2-2010 Rest Cycle, Waiting for AF..where are yOU?
3.5.2010 RE found a cyst....Rest another month
3.12.10 AF
3.13.10 Cyst still there....on BCP until next month
4.10.10 Starting Lupron/Gonal-F/Luveris
April 2010 IVF #1 ~ BFP
5.5.10 Beta #1~150
5.7.19 Beta #2~300
5.19.10 1st u/s 2 sacs~~
5.25.10 2nd u/s 2 heartbeats~twins
EDD 1.12.11
Delivered on 11.28.10 due to HELLP syndrome at 33w 4days
Re: any recs for a primary care md
I really like mine. I've seen him for about 4-5 years now.
Dr Brian Gee
520 N. Prospect Ave., Suite 103
Redondo Beach, CA 90277
(310) 376-8816
I ended up asking my OBGYN for a rec and she gave me 2 names.
Unfortunately they aren't taking new patients. I'll keep looking. I'll check out that one in Redondo. Thanks.
PCOS diagnosis~can't remember how many years ago
Several cycles of Clomid with OBGYn ~BFNs
11-09 Initial Consult with RE
12-09 Changed to a different RE
1-2010 CCT-BFN
2-2010 Rest Cycle, Waiting for AF..where are yOU?
3.5.2010 RE found a cyst....Rest another month
3.12.10 AF
3.13.10 Cyst still there....on BCP until next month
4.10.10 Starting Lupron/Gonal-F/Luveris
April 2010 IVF #1 ~ BFP
5.5.10 Beta #1~150
5.7.19 Beta #2~300
5.19.10 1st u/s 2 sacs~~
5.25.10 2nd u/s 2 heartbeats~twins
EDD 1.12.11
Delivered on 11.28.10 due to HELLP syndrome at 33w 4days