It seems like I have several baby showers coming up soon! I can't remember the last time I went to one; except for those at work where everyone chips in for a bigger gift. I have one close friend expecting and a few obligatory showers to attend (wives of DH's friends who I like, but am not particularly close to). I also have a new cash-sucking house... So, my questions for the new moms out there are:
1. What was the average amt for gifts you received from close friends?
2. What was the avg amt for gifts received from acquaintances?
3. Gifts you didn't think to register for but LOVED?
4. Gifts you got that you didn't love so much...
Re: New Moms: Baby Shower Time
I think my new go to's are going to be a Cold Seat (for those that live in AZ)
or/and an amber necklace from
The cold seat because it just works SO well here in AZ and you never have to worry about burning your kiddo putting them in the carseat.
The amber necklace because so many people don't know (or don't believe it) and it REALLY does work.
I wasn't quite sold on it before I got it. Well after giving L a daily dose of ibuprofen for 10 days I had to figure out something.
We've had hers for 2 months now and I've given her 3 doses of Ibuprofen in that time and she has cut all 4 molars and she just popped through 2 canines ,I'm a believer
I'm not a new mom but i've been to a TON of baby showers in the last few years.... So i'll answer from a guests point of view..
1. What was the average amt for gifts you received from close friends? The amount I spend for a really close friend is usually between $50-75. If I host, it's usually closer to the 50$ and if i am just going its higher. For family showers (like for my nieces birth) I spend 2-300$
2. What was the avg amt for gifts received from acquaintances?
Showers for people that I am really only acquaintances with, I spend around $25
3. Gifts you didn't think to register for but LOVED?
I tend not to buy things that arent on the registry because most moms put a lot of thought into it and even if they have stuff on there that makes me LOL that is what they want. With the exception of Books and Clothes. When I buy clothes I always go with bigger sizes because most new moms will get a lot of little clothes.
4. Gifts you got that you didn't love so much...
When I had my showers, I really wasnt digging the 101 stuffed animals I got... or those baby socks that they wear for like 2 minutes. Otherwise, everything worked out well.
1. I would say anywhere from $50-$150. I have some single friends who are on a tight budget and $50 was generous. It all depends on the person. I have certain friends i would spend well over $100 on.
2. for others who are acquaintances or who I don't know as well I would say $25-$35 is a good and fair amount.
3. a pink tutu but that wasn't something you really could register for and the person who got this for me knew I wanted one for baby pic's (she thought it was unpractical but very "me")
4. probably a small wooden cradle for the baby to play with. Its just not something I can use. This gift probably would have been more appropriate on baby's first birthday. This person also gave me baby socks from Buster Browns show store (they've been out of business since the late 80's) so I have to assume she had those stored up for quite some time. oh well, it truely was the thought that counted.
I robably would stick to the restisry. There is a reason people take time to put them together. It also assures me that they will keep and use the gift I buy them. In my opinion if the gift gets returned and it wasn't on the regisrty you shouldn't be offended.
One other thing to think about... If you notice that a lot of the small stuff on the registry is gone, but there are still quite a few big ticket items left, and you can't go in with someone to help get it, then I think giving a gift card to where they are registered is awesome. A lot of people can't afford to give expensive gifts (especially right now), and I think everyone understands that. But rather than the mom getting a million small things that they can pick up along the way themselves, I bet they would love to get some gift cards to help towards those bigger purchases. I know they helped us a lot!
I personally was really grateful for everything I got. And I was very, very lucky to have a HUGE family (divorced and remarried parents with several different families helped immensely - lol) that was so incredibly generous. We were in really, really great shape after my showers. Like way more than I ever imagined. But I know that it is not always the reality, and especially with times being tough right now. I would look at the registry and see where it stands. If you can't swing a big ticket item, lately, I have been a big gift card giver (with something small to go with it, and usually at least one book to make it a little more personal). I just know how helpful it is to not have to stress out over buying a lot of big ticket items, and I like to help towards that in any way possible.