I planted both regular cucumbers and pickling cucumbers in my garden (first garden this year). I *thought* I had labeled everything out there when I planted, but apparently I missed the cucumbers. Anyway, we were away for a few weeks for vacation and before we left not much was growing very well out there. So we returned and now about 2 weeks later I have some cucumbers growing, but I have completely forgotten which plants are the regular and which are pickling. I believe only one type is actually growing, which makes it harder. I think they are pickling based on how they look, but wanted another opinion.
I was also wondering about some of the leaves. They have a white powdery look to them. Is this mildew? If so is there anything I can do about it? There are cucumbers growing on this plant, are they still safe to eat?
Re: cucumber question
The white stuff is powdery mildew. You can help the plant by spraying milk or a baking soda solution (google for recipes) on the leaves. I use undiluted 1% milk. It won't cure the mildew, but it will help prevent its spread. You can also help prevent the spread by not wetting the leaves when you water the plants.
And yes it's fine eat the cucumbers from plants with powdery mildew.
Sorry I can't help with variety. They look a bit longer than my pickling cukes, but it's hard to tell.
high humidity with poor air circulation can certainly cause powdery mildew.
how long are these cukes? they look like pickling to me, but if they are longer than, say 4-5" & not turning yellow then they are likely slicing.