I'm so frustrated right now. Why does life always dump everything on me at once?
I have started jury duty, again, because having two at one time before wasn't enough stress.
Found out that the bank won't let us some of the repairs ourselves after closing so now we have to find out what to do because we were going to be given cash to get things fixed by the sellers.
Taking classes again. I am actually excited about taking classes, but the school itself sucks. They took so long to let me know I was accepted that I have less than a week to get into classes before they start. They don't like to answer questions and are very uncooperative.
I have a college loan I had forgotten about because they haven't been billing me for it and I got a letter today saying the company changed but everything else is still the same, so now I don't know what to do for the stupid thing. I assume I am in default because I graduated in 07.
Re: Grumble grumble
I hate how everything piles up at once like that. So sorry it's happening to you right now.
How did you manage to get 2 jury duties?
Where are you in school?
Hope it all gets worked out!
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I had one for county and one for district.
I already have my bachelors, but I am going to be taking some classes at BCTC in lexington. A little job related stuff then I can take whatever I want to for fun. And thanks. I just needed a chance to vent.
I saw you posted this a while back. Hopefully things are looking up! I'm in Lexington too if you ever need to vent over coffee!! We're buying a house right now too, so I know how stressful that alone can be!
Photography by KISS
Yea, things are getting better. We are hoping to close on our house next friday. I hope it goes well. It is our second closing date because things weren't ready for the first one. Still have jury duty though.
Hopefully the trial set for the monday after our closing will be cancelled.
And thanks for the offer. I hope things are going well for your house shopping.
Good luck!! Our closing is on the 20th! I had to go in for Jury duty once, but they didn't end up getting to me in the lineup. I've heard it's better to be on a criminal case, rather than a civil, because they're usually faster. Which one are you on?
-Photography by KISS-
"Keep It Simple Sweetie"
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I don't know. The county jury duty I had before did both. With the district one I have now I am not really sure. I am assuming it is criminal because wouldn't civil be settled on a county level?