I've developed a hankering today for a good, old fashioned cheeseburger! I was trying to think of a good place to go for that, all I can come up with right now is Cheeburger. Just wondering if there was a great hidden place I might not know about, or one I do know about that I haven't thought of yet?? Thanks ladies
I also had a doc appt this morning Everything looks great, and we heard the heartbeat!!! It was the most amazing sound...everyone always says how great it is to hear the first time, but it's so different when it's actually yours!!
They didn't do an ultrasound (boo!), he said it would be another 2 months before they do one. So we are going to Jacksonville, FL this weekend to visit Jarrett's cousin, who is also an ultrasound tech...so she is going to do one for us! So exciting!
I wanted to also get some feedback about renting home fetal dopplers. I have read the FDA regulations and the articles that say to not use them. Has anyone rented/know of someone who has rented one before?
Re: Good cheeseburger in AU/Opelika?
DH loves Niffer's burgers and I know several people who like them as well. That would be my suggestion and then you can have corn nuggets!!!!
YAY for hearing the heartbeat!!!! Hope things continue to go well!!
We like to go to Touchdown's for burgers. On Tues nights they are super cheap!
I say Niffers! I love their burgers
We rented a doppler from Dynamic Doppler. We returned the doppler as instructed and everything worked out well. I liked having it so I could hear the heartbeat whenever I wanted. We had it from when I was about 10-12 weeks I think until 6 or 7 mos. Since DS started moving then, I didn't really care about it as much.
Dr. Stephen Litsey at Lee OB/Gyn...he's really nice! I like him so far (2 visits).
Oh, and we ended up at Cheeburger. Since we weren't going on a night any of the other places had specials
They sell corn nuggets at Walmart too, they are just as good to me!
I never wanted to go to a male either, Litsey is the first one for me too. I just have to keep thinking that he does this all day, every day! I really don't even think about it anymore, he's just a doc to me