I dunno if you remember but several weeks ago I invited everyone on here to my Halloween party. Well time escaped me with all that has been going on and I forgot to even send out invited! oops! It's this Friday (I know, I suck for reminded you all last minute) the 24th. I would still love for everyone to come if you have it free...and that means ANY of you in the upstate area!!
It is a costume party and the theme this year is hollywood- that means anyone famous, TV star, movie star or even people famous for nothing like Paris Hilton...as long as we've heard there name- you be them! I've already heard some of the costume ideas and they are HILARIOUS. but you don't HAVE to dress up! There is a contest for best costume and it's $5 to enter that but the winner takes all the money... it's no kids under 13 and BYOB. We will have GREAT food and fun. Bonfire, free food and fun people. Come on!! Let me know if you want more info (cari.sanders@jacobs.com) and I will e-mail you info and directions...
I also need you address if you plan to come b/c even though it's getting close I have something to mail out for it!
Re: Halloween party