Hi everyone...
My DH and I are headed to Disney this Friday...and staying for most of next week. I thought I could rely on weather.com and other weather sources, but I can't....
What is the weather really like right now? I am a little cold natured, so I am definitely packing a jacket or two...
And for Disney...is there even a point in packing flip flops? I know most of my day will be in comfy shoes...but it is my first time at Disney, so I have no idea what I really need to bring. The only "fancy" dining we are doing will be at the Brown Derby, and we are going to the Cique show, but I have read that you can be casual for both of those. True? Not true?
Thanks for your help...
Re: Orlando ladies...Alabama nestie with travel questions...
It's nice here right now. At least for this week, lows are in the 60s and highs in the 80s. I'm cold natured, too, and I wore a light sweater in the morning and evening today and yesterday, but short sleeves at work today. A light sweater or hoodie should be fine.
I'm not sure about Brown Derby, but I'd say for Cirque, go business casual. Some people come in shorts or jeans, but I'd always rather be overdressed than underdressed. A cute dress or khakis would be fine, though; I don't think you have to go too fancy.
On an unrelated note, what part of Alabama are you from? My DH is from Mobile, originally, and we vacation in Gulf Shores every summer. I love it there!
We live in Birmingham. I am originally from South AL though...only the opposite side of the State from Mobile.
I'd say its definitely warm weather wear during the day time, and at least a light jacket/sweat shirt at night. Cirque you can wear almost anything, and Brown Derby I think you can wear almost anything too. We're originally from Boston MA, so my dad loves that you can go almost anywhere in Orlando. He always says, "You can go anywhere in orlando in shorts and flip flops"
(I think its true a good portion of the time.) HTH!
lol....awesome! thanks y'all....
i had an idea that it was probably ok to at least bring the flip flops! even if i won't wear them while walking around the parks...
honestly, this time of year is just as unreliable and unpredictable up my way....i never know if i need to wear long or short sleeves...or wear a jacket or tank top...so frustrating!
anyway....thanks for your help! i am just so ready to get away from home for a while!
I'm originally from Boston also & My Uncle always says when we go up north in tons of jackets he laughs and says "Floridians!"
yes! my eye has been on this since day one!!! i can't even wait!