I talked to our pedi-on-call yesterday and she set my mind at ease that kids often need to be introduced and re-introduced to foods (even if they've likedd it before) 20-30 times before they are convinced themselves that they will eat it and like it.
Short of saying that toddlers can be stubborn...lol...and as Mae suggested, our kids are adapting to soo many factors within and without their control. Their food intake is withIN their control and ...well...I will try not to worry and assure myself that Natalie will not let herself starve. In all her juiciness, she won't be wasting away...hahaha!
So onward with the goldfish, watermelon & grapes diet. Ai!
Re: Follow up on kids' hunger strike...
just make sure they are taking their multivitamins and keep your fingers crossed they get bored of goldfish and grapes soon!
Ok I know I don't have kids, but I can hear my mom (who taught parent education for 15+ years) saying...
'As long as you aren't feeding them junk food, they will eat when they are hungry and they will be absolutely fine.'
Glad your pedi was able to help put your mind at ease.
This past weekend Ryan and I had our mouths open from surprise when Rj decided to eat a fish taco and actually ate all of it....Now its his new favorite food. Thank goodness he loves taking his vitamins and drinks milk now instead of just juice. He started off as a short round 35 lb 9 month old and his current weight is 38 lbs but now is tall and skinny. Md kept telling me that he is normal and healthy. Like you said as long as we are not feeding them junk food they will be fine. They will eat when they are hungry.