1st trimester: Have you bought anything for your little one yet or are you waiting until the 2nd trimester (or later)? If so, what?
2nd trimester: How are you feeling about your pregnant body? Do you avoid mirrors or look every chance you get? What does your partner think about it?
3rd trimester: If you played any games at your shower, what were some of the crowd favorites?
L&D: What did you bring to the hospital? Did you overpack or underpack?
First days: When and what was your first call to the pediatrician?
Up next:
September, 2011: MrsBeachCityCowgirl
TTC: Does your family know you?re TTC or are you keeping it a secret until you have a BFP? No one knew we were TTC. We had only decided to go for it a few weeks before I got my BFP so we barely knew we were TTC.
1st trimester: Have you bought anything for your little one yet or are you waiting until the 2nd trimester (or later)? If so, what? I didn't buy anything until after my baby shower. We were team green, so colors weren't an issue, but we really wanted to keep what we bought minimal and mostly essential items.
2nd trimester: How are you feeling about your pregnant body? Do you avoid mirrors or look every chance you get? What does your partner think about it? I only liked my body when I was obviously pregnant. I felt fat until about week 20ish. DH liked my pregnant body a lot despite the horrendous stretchmarks.
3rd trimester: If you played any games at your shower, what were some of the crowd favorites? I think the melted chocolate bars in diapers definitely had my guests talking!
L&D: What did you bring to the hospital? Did you overpack or underpack? I overpacked a little, but it all fit into my carry-on size suitcase. I bought clothes for me and the baby to go home in, toiletries, makeup, eyeglasses, and magazines. I thought the magazines would be good for DH to read to me during labor, but those plans went out the window with my c/s. I also had to send DH home for different pants because the ones I packed were not c/s incision friendly. The only item I wish I would have packed was the boppy because arranging pillows while learning how to BF was a PITA.
First days: When and what was your first call to the pediatrician? I called to schedule her two week, etc. appointments.
TTC: Does your family know you?re TTC or are you keeping it a secret until you have a BFP?
We've agreed to keep it a secret from our families, and nearly all of our friends. We don't want to deal with the questions. And if we have any trouble, we'd rather deal with that privately. Plus, we want to really surprise our immediate families with the news, and the more we keep them in the dark about our plans, the better.
TTC: Does your family know you?re TTC or are you keeping it a secret until you have a BFP?
My mom, IL's, sister and one of my close cousins knows about my infertility issues. The rest of my family will be kept in the dark about it until we get a BFP. I'd rather not deal with the pressure or questions about when we will have a LO. Even if I didn't have infertility issues, we still wouldn't tell them.
IUI #1 10/12/11 (Bravelle + HCG + Prometrium & acupuncture) = 10/26 BFP! Beta #1=250, Beta #2= 615. 1st u/s 11/8.
1st trimester: Have you bought anything for your little one yet or are you waiting until the 2nd trimester (or later)? If so, what? We didn't buy much till the baby was born. We were team green, so we got some gender neutral stuff as gifts and got a lot of hand-me-downs.
2nd trimester: How are you feeling about your pregnant body? Do you avoid mirrors or look every chance you get? What does your partner think about it? In general, I avoid mirrors. My pregnant body was hard for me. I didn't feel like me. I had an emergency appendectomy when I was 15 weeks, and b/c it was an open appendectomy (sliced open the old fashioned way, not laproscopically b/c my uterus was too big), the scar was pretty ugly. Even now, it's hard to look at. It's so much uglier than my c/s scar b/c it was stretched for the rest of the pregnancy and didn't close up well. DH was fine with how I looked.
3rd trimester: If you played any games at your shower, what were some of the crowd favorites? No shower. We did have a baby pool though.
L&D: What did you bring to the hospital? Did you overpack or underpack? I just brought clothes for me and the bubba, disposable diapers (the hospitals here don't provide sposies, only that old school cloth prefolds), my toiletries, laptop, travel scrabble.
First days: When and what was your first call to the pediatrician? We have midwives that come to your house for the first 6 weeks, and then Plunket nurses that care for your baby from 6 weeks till 5 years. Most people don't have pediatricians, we just go to the GP and if a pedi is required, you are referred to the hospital. Socialized medicine is wonderful, and it works for us.
TTC: Does your family know you?re TTC or are you keeping it a secret until you have a BFP?
It was secret, but no one was surprised when we finally announced (8+ weeks)
1st trimester: Have you bought anything for your little one yet or are you waiting until the 2nd trimester (or later)? If so, what?
We bought a small teddy bear in Paris (I was about 6-7 weeks pg) for the baby, and I bought a sleeper to give to T just after our 8 week u/s. I wasn't really nervous about buying stuff in the 1st tri, but didn't buy a lot. Just random little things.
2nd trimester: How are you feeling about your pregnant body? Do you avoid mirrors or look every chance you get? What does your partner think about it?
I felt great about my pregnant body. My postpartum body? That's a different story . T always made me feel great about how I looked, still does. Or, he tries at least.
L&D: What did you bring to the hospital? Did you overpack or underpack?
Probably overpacked. I didn't need much. I was glad to have my phone, iPad, a robe, flip flops, chapstick, shampoo & conditioner, and hair ties. I cannot think of anything else I used, haha.
First days: When and what was your first call to the pediatrician?
*knock on wood* - haven't yet.
Updates: Cli will be 4 weeks on Friday, and I weighed him this morning at Mommy & Me to find that he has gained THREE lbs since birth. Shocking. And scary. He is growing so so fast.
1st trimester: Have you bought anything for your little one yet or are you waiting until the 2nd trimester (or later)? If so, what? I bought some life factory bottles on gilt.com in the first trimester just because they were a great deal, but other than that I didn't buy anything. I knew we'd get a lot from friends and family and also didn't want to jinx it.
2nd trimester: How are you feeling about your pregnant body? Do you avoid mirrors or look every chance you get? What does your partner think about it? I loved my body, but started feeling really self conscious and like I was wrong to love it when everyone (including family) made comments about how big I was. H said he loved it but I think he was secretly not that into it.
3rd trimester: If you played any games at your shower, what were some of the crowd favorites? No games, but they did have a raffle where everyone paid a dollar into LO's "college fund" for a ticket and they could win a prize.
L&D: What did you bring to the hospital? Did you overpack or underpack? I think I packed just right. I brought a black cotton night gown and robe (that I loved having there for the day after LO's birth) an ipod, ipod dock, toiletries, camera, socks, chapstick and make-up. I also brought yoga pants, a sweat shirt and a nursing tank for the day we went home. The only other thing I would have brought myself was some snacks and maybe a pb&j sandwich since the hospital didn't let me eat once I got there. That made labor more difficult than it needed to be IMO, because I didn't have any oomph left after 17 hours of not eating.
First days: When and what was your first call to the pediatrician? I thought R had vomitted, but looking back it was probably just projectile spit up. I had an oversupply and fast let down so I think the combination was a lot on his teeny stomach, R was 12 days old.
1st trimester: Have you bought anything for your little one yet or are you waiting until the 2nd trimester (or later)? If so, what?in 1st trimester, I tried not to buy anything. Everything seemed so uncertain. I did make a stuffed owl though!
2nd trimester: How are you feeling about your pregnant body? Do you avoid mirrors or look every chance you get? What does your partner think about it?I love my pregnant body. More importantly, DH loves my pregnant body. I think it turns him on more than my non-PG body! Lets just say that the night we take pics for my blog are very exciting nights!
Married August 22, 2009-TTC #1 since 1/11
Dx PCOS and Hypothyroidism in 2004, SA 5/11-Excellent!
Cycle #1-6-Anovulatory:(
Cycle #7-metformin+clomid+acupuncture-BFP!!!
Beta#1(16dpo)-101, Beta#2(18dpo)-240, Beta#3(22dpo)-1,255
EDD 10-28-12