sorry, i know i don't post much anymore..but i need some help
got laid off today... work for a large company in bham and apparently there were tons of layoffs this afternoon. thank you very much mr. economy. first hired, first fired..exact mind i've been there almost 2 years
and i actually just had my evaluation today and passed w/ flying boss (who didn't know I'd be fired) actually said, i want you to stay and work for me forever....then 2 hours later....we both got the bad news.
gahh....starting the job search if any of you know of any hirings going on in bham, please help me out! i'm a graphic designer, but worked in production....but i'll pretty much do anything
dh and i just bought the house a few months ago. not the best time to lose a major income
Re: bad news/help
girl...that sucks, i am so sorry...
i work for the county, hiring for all county/government positions....we usually don't have graphic design jobs come open (that i know of), but feel free to check our website:
maybe it can help? i am so sorry...
That's horrible! You'll be in my prayers. Hopefully you will find something soon.
I am so sorry that happened. I hope you find something soon. Look outside your field for all opportunities available!
oops..meant to say last hired, first fired
thanks for all the kind thoughts and prayers...
bethany, i def. am looking at allll outside opporutnities. i said short of selling my body on the street, i'll do anything! haha
gotta feed the hubs somehow
thankfully, he actually just got a small raise last week....that helps some....that's the diff. between working for a power company (ppl need) and a magazine company (ppl want)...
just never thought this would happen to us......we'll figure it out..we have to!
Leopard in Acacia Tree, Serengeti National Park, Tanzania 2009
Crafty Owl Blog
Lauren... a friend of mine is an editor at Birmingham magazine. I'll ask her if she knows of anything or if they have any graphic design freelance work.
The publishing/media fields suck right now. I'm really worried about layoffs at my job too. You just never know.
lydia, that would be fantastic! anything at all....i feel like i'm pretty well rounded and i'll try my hand at anything.
you're right about this's def. suffering....that's why it stinks...esp since lots of other ppl were laid off yesterday who will all need jobs in this field, in bham....and those type jobs are so limited....i feel like i need to start applying today if I even want to have a shot at finding anything
luckily dh works for the power company..thankfully, that's pretty steady work.
I am sorry about the layoff. I know it is tough. Try Hoffman Enterprises, they publish numerous magazines, also try some of the big printing companies around town. Good luck in your search.
As you know GD you can do in pretty much any field/co so def look everywhere. Do a search on all the job boards for just your job type and it should pull up any job w/that responsibility/description, etc.
I worked for an online banking co in ATL and they would hire GD all the time for the web area.
Also, I have a friend from college that owns a web co in B'ham, I'll look him up and see what I can find out to see if that would help.
Wish you luck and hate that this has happened. I'll be thinking of yall. Unfortunately the economy is bad and prob what will happen is after the first of the year (or election) co's will figure out what they can and can't do and that's when they will rehire again.
GL!!! Katie
what sort of production did you do?
Also, I know you probably don't want to commute to Tuscaloosa for work, especially with gas prices how they are. (I commuted to Southern Progress from t-town when I was an intern one summer. It wasn't great but I did go through a lot of books on tape!)
Anyways, all of the New York Times owned newspapers are combining their creative advertising people.. the graphic artists that actually create all the ads.. and putting them in Tuscaloosa. Basically it's going to be a creative design center for all NY Times Regional newspapers. I think they are hiring around 50 people, and have already hired a good number of those but not all.
Just an idea to think about.