Northern California Nesties
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How about one of these posts to ease us into Monday? Name three good things going on in your life, no matter how trivial.
My favorite place on earth: The Amargosa Valley.

Re: Good Things Monday
1. I think I've lost a couple of pounds by eating fewer carbs.
2. A good friend is coming to visit in a couple of weeks.
3. We're going to Brazil for a wedding!
1. My house is CLEAN and its only 8 am
2. A friend is coming over to chat and give me some much needed girl time, don't get me wrong I love DH but recently he is the only friend I have had. I need a little outside bonding time.
3. My MIL is doing much better after the loss of her mother. I am so happy that she is getting through this. I can't even imagine losing a parent.
After this week, I'm on vacation for five days. I even get paid for it.
I got a pedicure this weekend and the woman (almost) didn't hurt me and I my plum toes look fantastic!
It's supposed to be 83 today. LOVE this cool weather!
My sister gave birth to a beautiful baby girl this weekend who looks exactly like her big sister and was sort of named after me!
I have an MRI this week that will determine if I'm having surgery or not (I know this doesn't seem like a good thing, but it is to me...Means we can start moving forward and then TTC again)
I'm going back to hot yoga tonight. I need it-I've been very down about myself lately and my meds are making me gain a ton of weight. I need the relaxation hot yoga brings.
1. I worked out at the gym this morning.
2. I cooked so much this weekend that all we have to do is heat things up.
3. Short work week
1. I got my Halloween decorations out this weekend and now our apartment looks much cheerier. Now I can't wait to take R to the pumpkin patch.
2. I ordered some shirts from Old Navy last week because I am sick of looking like a frumpy mom.
3. My BIL is on leave for two weeks from Afghanistan and it was good to see him and introduce him to R this past weekend.
1. got a bunch of stuff out of the garage and onto the curb for a donation
2. I bought a pretty scarf I plan on wearing this week
3. I get to meet up with a friend I haven't seen in a wihle
Thanks to our new home owner prowess we had a front porch light last night for the first time since we bought the house!
I get to go to DC next week for work and more importantly to hang out with fun friends who are also going.
I made cupcakes yesterday that have gotten good reviews from husband and coworkers. My first thing I have made from all my pinning on Pinterest!
1. I only have 23 days until I'm on vacation for a week - to Paso Robles with my mom for a few days and then with The Boy for a few days.
2. The Boy and I had a great weekend together and things get better and stronger every day.
3. I have a secret but I can't share yet...don't want to jinx it, but I promise it is a great thing in my life! :-)
I am so happy for you!! Glad to hear you and The Boy are doing well.
1) My birthday is in 4 days and I know there are presents in the mail.
2) Since DH is healed up we should be able to go away for the day on my birthday.
3) I discovered there's a cupcake shop down the street that I plan to get myself some treats from that day.
Donate to My Pancreatic Cancer Research Page
I have a 2nd phone interview tomorrow. I have been applying for jobs at the company for 3 years. I'm so nervous.
I spent the weekend with my BFF from HS. I hadn't seen her since her wedding in 2009 (she lives in DC)
I'm a day late to this, but that's okay.
1. I'm going to be a BM in my friend's wedding next summer!
2. I was complaining to H about some work-related stuff last night and he gave me a ton of ideas for new lesson plan elements and classroom management stuff. He's not even a teacher, he just thinks like a kid. I'm super excited about all of it, and I love that he spent so much time coming up with all of it.
3. I have the afternoon (mostly) off today, which never happens. I feel like I should be doing something productive, but I already did all the dishes in the sink and practiced for an hour. I'm allowed to relax a little, right?
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