Yesterday, walking out to my car after dropping Stella at daycare, a guy pulled off to drop of what I'm going to assume was his grandson. The kid was sound asleep in the backseat and the guy (I'm assuming grandfather because he looked...older) got out of the car with a lit, half-smoked cigarette in his hand. This morning, on my way to work (ended up having to go the long way around because traffic on Secor was actually backed up past my daycare) there was a woman in the car next to me, with a rearfacing carseat (without a kid) in the backseat, and she too was smoking.
Yes, I'm a former smoker, yes, DH still smokes. I quit well before I found out I was pregnant. DH has drastically cut back and will not smoke around Stella and no longer smokes in his vehicle. My dad smoked when we were addition to the cigarettes, foul-smelling cigars on 4-hour cartrips to visit the other grandparents. Three out of four of us kids ended up being smokers.
Can you imagine that poor kid going to daycare reeking of cigarettes??
Re: former smoker being judgy
I am judgy too and my husband smokes, but he has never smoked in the house and he doesn't smoke around D. And he doesn't smoke in the car.
It angers me that with the knowledge that is out there now regarding the health hazards linked to smoking that people still do this around an innocent child that has no choice in the matter.
My parents both smoked and I always hated it. Kids would say stuff about us smelling at school and we didn't know because we were used to the smoke smell. My mom told me she used to smoke with one hand and give me a bottle with the other. They both regret all of it now with all the research out there, but it was the 70s and 80s and the dangers and warnings were not really out there. They both eventually quit smoking, my dad when he had a heart attack at 51 about 12 years ago and my mom had quit the year prior to that, so 13 years ago. I think around the late 80s they both started only smoking in the basement but that was dumb, the smoke just migrated upstairs. I worry about them though, they smoked for a long time so the damage that has already been done, ugh.
I wish J would quit, he has only been a smoker for 10 years, which I guess is a long time, but better than a 30 year smoker. He just won't do it and every time I mention it he gets defensive.
His cigarattes also cost $6 a pack...yep, you read that correct. I about crapped when I bought him some over the summer. I had NO idea!!!! So he spends probably $250 a month, what a waste. Paying to kill yourself.
Now I am fired up!!!
The first day of kindergarten a Mom came to pick her kid up and stood around the rest of us parents, lit cigarette in hand. I had Charli & Kenleigh with me. I not-so-quietly moved as far away from her as possible, and most of the other parents were griping about her too. Really?! What an excellent role model for all of the school kids!
I have a super sensitive nose for the smell of smoke. There are a few kids at school who's bookbags just reek of smoke. It's really sad I can only imagine their poor lungs from the second hand smoke.
BFP 2: 7/7/2014 Beta 7/8: 115, Beta 7/12: 638, Beta 7/16: 3793, Beta 7/21: 21,625
Not hard at all, really. Now granted I've done it multiple times, but I know exactly what it is each time I start again, and I've done all but eliminate that factor (and Ohio's smoking ban has definitely helped).
And that's another pet peeve of mine - people smoking in their carseven when there are not kids involved . Especially when it's nice enough to have windows down. That means I have to smell your smoke if we are side by side at a stoplight or even passing each other on the road. And invariably it seems the butt will get tossed on the road.
Just a question: why don't you just take the car seat out of your car if it's not being used? I wouldn't want it taking up space in my car if I wasn't using it! Won't it also be rendered unsafe if you happen to get in an accident?
It's been so many years since I stopped smoking I don't even remember, it might be 7 or 8. I started by cutting out how many I had in the car, to none in the car to cutting out during breaks at work, limiting how many I had in an hour/per drink when I was out. It got to the point where I was at 1-2 per day and it was dumb at that point to continue, so I just stopped. Think of the money you'll save!
I have never really been a smoker (I used to smoke while I was drinking and sometimes in the car alone to keep me awake) but people smoking in their car does not bother me. If there are not kids in the car then I don't see why it's that big of a deal. I don't like it when the car next to me plays loud music or the car in front of me has stinky exhaust, but it will only last a minute and I have the option to roll up windows and turn up my radio. People are well aware of the risks of smoking, but it is still legal so if they decide to anyway, who am I to tell them how to live their life?