I am a HUGE packrat. 90% of the stuff in our house is because I have collected it for hobbies, clothing, Emme, Lions, etc. I have both guest bedrooms almost full of stuff. All of it is for "good reasons" such as blankets for my Lions project that I cannot get to the foster home to deliver them, Christmas presents in storage, toys & clothes for the next baby, etc.
Well, I have to get the bedrooms prepared for the holidays when I will have 4-10 people descending on my house. I cleaned out my closet last night and bagged up 5 garbage bags of clothes to go to my BFF. I also tossed out 2 bags of stuff I have not looked at for over a year, and I have a pile of stuff for my nephew that will be born this weekend. Tonight (or this weekend) I have to start tackling the downstairs guest room and move all the Christmas stuff out of there and into my closet so I can clean up that room and get it ready for sisters to visit. So proud of myself!
Confession: I have 2 pairs of sweatpants that have my first college name on them. They are too short for me now so I don't wear them but I cannot seem to part with them. I have no idea why. I tried last night but started crying. So I put them back in the closet.
Re: AW to me (and a small confession)
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