I don't know if you can find these anymore, but I have a vintage supermarket adder - I have no clue where my mother got it - mine is called a Trevco Budget adder and is yellow - she used to have a red one....anyways, I snagged it from her when she no longer wanted it...
I can easily add things in my head while grocery shopping, but when I'm trying to think about what to buy or looking at an item it is easy for me to lose track - so I find it very easy to use the budget adder - and it dawned on me what a good tool it is to have to stay on budget when grocery shopping. As I finished up my shopping last week, the cashier (a young girl) asked me what it was - I told her...the bag boy was so interested too and they thought it was so "cool" and wished they each had one so they never overspent...it's pretty retro...
anyways, if you can find one online or where ever, I think they are worth it - here's what it looks like:
Re: Another money saving grocery tip