Northern California Nesties
Dear Community,
Our tech team has launched updates to The Nest today. As a result of these updates, members of the Nest Community will need to change their password in order to continue participating in the community. In addition, The Nest community member's avatars will be replaced with generic default avatars. If you wish to revert to your original avatar, you will need to re-upload it via The Nest.
If you have questions about this, please email
Thank you.
Note: This only affects The Nest's community members and will not affect members on The Bump or The Knot.
I'm an open book. 
Re: Ask me anything too!
What is the most important thing you have learned since becoming a mother?
If you could change your name to anything else what would it be?
Oh wow...if I could study anything, it would be dance. I used to dance growing up and always loved it. My parents made me stop in high school because they didn't want it interfering with my homework and school obligations. I wish I never quit though.
I'm also a US History buff, so I would major in dance, minor in US History
1. I've learned to just enjoy my daughter, even during her screaming fits. It's so easy for me to get frustrated and I've had to learn to calm down and realize that she's just showing me herself as best she can at her age. I love to just sit and watch her sleep, and hold her while she's napping. It's a feeling I'll always love.
2. I actually hated my name (Laurel) for a long time because I could never find anything with my name on it. Now, I appreciate that it's unique, but not unheard of. I really don't think I'd change it, but when I was a kid, I wanted to change my name to Meredith...I don't remember why.
IMO I love the name Laurel. It's my cousin's name. You are right unique. But beautiful.