Hi Ladies,
I usually am on thebump boards, but since found this one!
I am currently going through a divorce. It should be final towards the end of next month.My STBXH is an alcoholic (in denial), has bad anger issues, depression, has put his hands on me, and was very emotionally and mentally abusive not to mention extremely controlling.
I have been out of love with my STBXH for 2 years now, just wasn't a stong enough person to leave. I am the happiest I have been in a very long time and am so thankful for my close friends and family to help me get away from him.
I have since moved on and started dating a man I have known for 10 years. He is great with DD and has shown me how a woman should be treated. Sometimes I don't feel worthy having a great guy after the hell I was put through. I know it is just me and I have to get through these insecurities, but I'm trying to work on it.
Thanks for listening!
Re: Just found this board (Intro!)