Do you think you have any enemies? And by "enemies," I guess I mean people who dislike you a lot and are likely to talk badly about you to others (or possibly spread rumors / try to mess up your life, etc.).
I think I had an enemy for a while after I first started dating XH seriously. We had known each other for a little while already, but I had been out of the country for school, and when I came back and broke up with a then-boyfriend, he "abandoned" the girl he'd been kind of seeing to start dating me. I got a lot of "clues" about how much she disliked me, ha. But I think she has moved on at this point.
Other than that, not sure. I can't think of anybody, but it's totally possible that someone out there hates me and I just don't know about it. Some people in XH's family might not like me very much anymore, that's always possible. (Though the only 2 people from his family who contacted me after the divorce were very cordial -- to my face, at least)
Re: Do you have any enemies?
I was NOT popular in grade school/middle school...but I'm not sure the people qualified as enemies, more just schoolyard bullies.
My old thesis advisor is probably the closest thing I have to an enemy these days. I couldn't do anything right in her eyes, and she was verbally abusive to me. She made my life a living hell in grad school and set up a situation that basically forced me to leave with my M.S. instead of staying for my PhD, as was my original plan. When I was applying for jobs, I had to put down not to contact her, because I'd seen the letter of "recommendation" that she wrote for our lab tech (who she also disliked), which basically ensured the woman would never find a job in the field again. But, I haven't had to deal with her in over a year, so it's all good now!
At my old job, yes. There were some very petty, catty, cliquey women there and they would band together and be nasty about the "flavor of the day", to so speak. At one point, that was me.
I actually really liked that job and the overall group I worked with, but those few women... don't miss them!
~Benjamin Franklin
DS dx with celiac disease 5/28/10
Hmmm. Not sure if they are they match your definition, but I have 3 people that I have blocked from FB.
I have blocked them b/c I don't want them stalking me / knowing what is going on with my life.
One is my psycho ex-boss (he wouldn't stalk me romantically, but he is pretty mean and I don't think "gets" that working for him is a nightmare).
Two are ex-bfs. One treated me badly, but keeps trying to contact me (he has not moved on in life). He doesn't get that he is not my friend. The other I was good friends with, dated, and he cheated on me. Then he became jealous when I dated another friend (after he was with his new gf for nearly a year, and we were supposedly "friends" again after he begged me to be friends with him), and told my then-bf that I was not welcome anytime he and his gf (the girl who he cheated on me with, and yes, we had been friends, too!) were around.
The boss I would badmouth (and he would probably badmouth me), the ex-bfs I just don't want knowing my business. I would never speak to my ex-boss, but the ex-bfs I could be social with at a reunion, wedding of friends, etc.
I would consider a guy I previously worked with to be an enemy. I rejected him and he proceeded to make my life a living hell. Unfortunately, he had the means to do so.
So I left the job and got a much better one! His reaction when he found out he would no longer have control over me since I was leaving was priceless. He has since threatened me, but none of those threats have materialized.