Phoenix Nesties
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Hmm...? YAY for Monday.
Re: How was your weekend?
Not long enough....
Friday night we ordered Pei Wei for dinner, it was AMAZING, and just hung out.
Saturday Chris, Preston and I went and ran a few errands and went to the mall. Preston LOVES getting out of the house. He's an angel when we go places. I think he likes people watching. haha
Sunday I met up with Shannon for lunch by Mill Ave because she got some diapers for me off Craigslist so I had to get those and give her some things also. Lunch was YUMMY and then we wanted to an ice cream cookie sandwhich place. Let me tell you - BEST damn ice cream sandwich I've ever had. It was beyond amazing!!!! Thanks again Shannon for a fun afternoon!
I didn't get to clean like I wanted to or just relax but that's ok....I had a good time. One of these days I'll get to relax a little bit. Ay yi yi! Life is on fast forward but on super duper speed and I don't like it.
Saturday during the day we looked at some new cars for DH, took naps, and basically just hung around the house. We went out to dinner that night and then to the pumpkin patch. Nolan had a great time! Claire, not so much! haha So we kind of had to rush through that so we could get her home to bed. But on the plus side, she has been going down for sleep so much better these last few nights. Yay! Hope it continues!
Sunday we did some shopping, hung out, and that's about it. Weekends are entirely too short!
Hi ladies! Fri. was lunch w/Emily at the Cheesecake Factory...yum!
Sat. was breakfast w/friends, then movie & pizza night in w/the hubby.
Sun. was dinner w/friends & then the Foo Fighters concert downtown.
It went by way too quickly!
We didn't do to much on Friday.
Saturday we were supposed to go to Out of Africa but we slept in (my phone shut off, so my alarm didnt go off) and by the time we got up it was really to late to go since it closes at 5. So we went to Schneph farms after lunch and hung out there for the better part of the day. I also got an Apple Pie from there and it was sooo good.
Yesterday we just hung out at home and didn't do much of anything. Football and Will and I went grocery shopping after nap. He wanted to watch Spooky Buddies so I rented that movie and we had popcorn and cuddled before he went to bed.
Not a lot going on this week either. I am touring a different pre-school for William later this afternoon. I am not to happy with where we are now after an incident on Friday so I'm looking around at other options. This one on paper seems much better so we'll see what happens at 430.
Are you talking about CookieZ on Mill? I work down there and finally tried it out a few weeks ago. YUM!!
KIM! When did you start a blog?! I just noticed it.
Can't wait to meet my baby boy!
Can't wait to meet my baby boy!
Our weekend was good...
Saturday we cleaned out most of out office/guest room since my cousin comes in next weekend we needed to get the room ready. Then we went out and did some shopping, Zach LOVES to take naps in Target. That night we gave Zach his first REAL bath and then cuddled and watched the Lion King. It was a great family movie night hehe
Sunday one of my girlfriends came over to meet Zach and then my SIL came over to hang out and use my cricut machine for a baby shower she is hosting next weekend.
OMG you have a Cricut? I've been looking for one. Lol. Thats all.
Click Me
Weekend was good, laid low a litte but had Fun. Friday, just stayed home till we walked around Target at 9 at night. Saturday we watched the Coyotes game and then went to the Hotel San Carlos Ghost Tour with Sommer and her DH, then out to dinner. Sunday was a clean day and laundry, fun.
This coming weekend will be packed and fun. Weekends are just too short.
Click Me
Um I don't even remember everything we did!
Friday was Evanescence with Shelly! We were in the PIT and while we felt old, we had a blast!
Saturday I worked on some crafting projects and hung out with Eliana while DH tested for Glendale PD and PASSED! He has his second test tomorrow! Saturday evening I had lunch with one of my girls and just relaxed.
Sunday we had E's 6 month photo shoot in the morning- I CAN NOT WAIT to see the photo's! We were going to go to the fair yesterday afternoon but came home and found BIL (he's 13) and DH's friend at our door, so we hung out with them.
Today I am completely under the weather, and was sent home by my boss for "looking like death" haha.
Can't wait to meet my baby boy!
I was sick and had a cold (still somewhat sick). Friday we did NOTHING!
Saturday we headed out to Ikea and bought a ton of XMas stuff - and we learned that we will never drive my car (a sedan) to Ikea again! Then did a little more shopping.
Sunday we had our child dedication class and signed up for the January dedications. Then we went back to Ikea to pick up the couch that's going in the baby's room. Had lunch at Olive Garden and went grocery shopping.
Hello there!
My weekend was pretty darn fabulous!
My bff was in town, so I had a nice 4 day weekend with her.
I picked her up Wednesday night from the airport. We stayed up way too late talking and catching up that night. Thursday we went to breakfast at The Farmhouse in Gilbert (highly recommend it, if you are in the area. It's delish!) After breakfast, we hung out by the pool for the majority of the day. We got cleaned up, and I took her to the San Tan Mall. We mostly just bummed around Charming Charlies, and Sephora. We went to dinner with my DH that night at a Mexican restaurant DH & I have been meaning to try. It was quite yummy.
Friday, we met up with her parents & aunt (they got in late Thursday night) and looked at a bunch of houses. They're looking to buy a home down here and become snow birds. After house hunting, we headed up to Last Chance, and did some shopping there. They found some good deals. I wasn't really in the hunting mood, so I didn't get anything. That night we all went out to San Tan Flat. It was a lot of fun. They really enjoyed it.
Saturday, bff & I just bummed around most of the morning. We did a little shopping, and then headed back to meet up with her family as they were taking her back to the airport.
Sunday, DH & I relaxed at home. I caught up on my DVR'd shows, and finished the book I was reading.
Not much going on this week. I took Friday off, so I'm looking forward to a three day weekend. We've got a couple things planned for the weekend - it's my birthday.
Weekend was great, but they just fly by!
Friday: Cheesecake Factory/shopping with Heather
Saturday: Breakfast with friends, Baby Care class at the hospital, bought the breast pump at BRU (last baby purchase!), grocery shopped, out to dinner with hubby
Sunday: church, grilled out, long nap (LOVE), dog park (Lazy Sundays are the BEST)
This week I'm on my Fall Break, so finishing up all my sub plans/prep for maternity leave and making/freezing food for when baby arrives!
We had a pretty awesome weekend. Thursday night we went to San Tan Ford and stood in line to take picture with/meet John Force and Robert Height (race car drivers). Deegan did really well, even when John took him right from my arms for the picture! LOL Then Firebird Raceway asked us to display our '57 pickup during the NHRA Drag races, in return we got 2 VIP passes for both days and VIP Parking (about a $400 value!!!!!). So we took Deegan to his first races and he did great! We had little headphones for him that blocked out all of the noise, so the loud cars didn't even phase him- he even slept through the funny car round! On Sunday DH went with some friends, so my Mom came over and had lunch with us.
And on a even bigger note--- Deegan took his first steps this weekend!!!!!!!!!! He walked 2-3 steps to me a few different times, he'll be off and running before we know it! So proud!
Wow people are actually posting on this board lol!
Let's see...Friday we must not have done anything exciting because I can't remember it..Saturday Seth had to work so my mom came over and we baked lactation cookies and pumpkin muffins and played with Connor. Sunday we went to our friend's baby's baptism and party and that was about it! I go back to work starting Wednesday and I have to work every Sunday so that was our last full weekend together
funny, both of my kids seem to behave better out of the house too. especially dominic. sometimes i don't even need to go anywhere and i take him out because he's acting like a jerkface!
friday it's always just me and the kids since don's working. i think i caught up on grey's. saturday we had lunch at chilis and then i got to run a bunch of errands with no kids! it was pretty unsuccessful....i went to like 4 different thrift stores and didn't find what i was looking for. oh well. saturday night we made popcorn and watched snl. sunday went grocery shopping and then dillys and cookiez with stacy. i pigged out on a huge chocolate chip cookie, pumpkin ice cream sandwich and it went straight to my ass but it was amazing!!
wow, people are posting here again
friday: went out to the mall with SIL to buy my cousin a shower gift for her bridal shower where my SIL bitched about my bro the entire time
saturday: went to my cousins bridal shower and then her bachlorette party. we went to Catillac ranch and the Toby Keith bar. i skipped Dicks cabaret beause i'm getting old and boring but more importantly i desperatly needed to pump.
Sunday: me the hubs and the baby went up to Payson for the day. we scouted where we will take our first camping trip as a family and had lunch up in the pines. it was nice and the baby did well.
in the midst of all this some friends of ours finally broke up. it wasn't pretty and their relationship was complicated to say the least but i'm really close with her and my DH is close with him. makes it akward. then my SIL and brother are also on the fritz which is rather unexpected but today my brother told me they're getting a divorce. WTF is something in the air? One of DH's bosses who we've hung out with a couple of times is also on the divorce path. I ned a dose of happy because all this is depressing
Well I started it a while ago but I kept forgetting about it! I tried to get motivated with the 30 day blogging challenge but it doesn't seem to be helping.